Windows 10 license offer, upgrade to Windows 11 for free

still without Windows 10 genuine license that allows you to upgrade to Windows 11 for free? Well, wait no more! You can still take advantage of promotions and get your original, lifetime Windows 10 Pro license for 91% less than buying it from the manufacturer’s store, and upgrade to Windows 11 for free with it!

Windows 10 Pro at a 91% discount, and upgrade to Windows 11 for free!

If you click on any of the links that we have given you as an example above, you will see that the prices are more expensive than what we have written; but don’t worry, this is because we have already calculated the actual amount you will pay when using the discount code HZ35which reduces the normal price of this online store by an additional 30%.

Using the discount code is very easy: add the products you want to buy to the shopping cart (there is no quantity limit) and click on the cart itself: you will see that in the lower left area there is a box in which you can write, and that’s where you should put HZ35 and click on the apply button to apply the discount. Now yes, the prices coincide with those that we have written.

Then you can continue with the purchase process as normal, and once the payment is made (we recommend PayPal for its reliability, security and speed) in a few minutes you will have your digital licenses both in your email and on the customer page of the store.

Activate Windows 10 with this license

When you have completed the purchase process and have the Windows license in your possession, you can use it. To do this, click the Start button and then click Settings (the gear icon). In the window that opens, navigate to Update & Security -> Activation, and in the middle of the window you will see that it says “Change license key”. Click on it and a blue window like this will appear.

It is there where you must write or paste (CTRL + V) the license code that you have purchased; then, click on Next and your PC will connect to the Microsoft servers to validate the license, and in a few seconds your system will be activated for life.

When you have Windows already activated, you can go to Windows Updates to receive all the updates that you have pending to install on your PC and, when the time comes, the free update to Windows 11 will appear.

Remember that this store gives you a 30-day guarantee from the date of purchase, in case you have any problem with the license or if you need help when using it.

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