
Windows 11 slows down some NVMe SSDs

Detected and reported by various users in a thread on the official Microsoft forum, it seems that for months some Windows 11 users have been getting slower performance on their NVMe SSDs of storage on both desktops and laptops, with a few issues that seem to vary across both symptoms and drives.

Based on direct performance comparisons with the same computer and a Windows 10 operating system, it appears that certain NVMe drives show input and / or output operations per second (IOPS), as well as reduced read and / or write speeds.

Windows 11 NVMe SSD speeds

In this specific case we see how sequential write speeds are somewhat lower in the case of Windows 11, although when we look at random write speeds we see a marked decrease to values ​​of less than half in the case of the new operating system.

At the moment the affected models and brands do not seem to follow a specific pattern, with reports from Western Digital, Samsung or ADATA users; although it seems that some of the models that seem to have been affected the most are some of the most powerful and popular units, such as the 970 Evo and 980 Pro from Samsung.

Windows 11 users have also provided feedback regarding this issue on Feedback Hub. In fact, on this platform we find comments such as user Jeff C, who beyond reporting the error, seems to have located the problem in the drivers provided by Microsoft: «Further testing of all my Nvme drives using the Microsoft driver has this problem, but my Intel 905P which has its own Intel provided driver works to all specs«.

On the other hand, expanding this comment network even further, Microsoft employee Neal Christiansen (under his Reddit username “neochristi”) shared a clear message: “Greetings, I am on the Microsoft file systems team and I am researching this problem«. Thus, in the absence of any official announcement, this appears to have confirmed that Microsoft is already investigating the matter.

Although the problem seems to have been present since last October, at the moment it seems Microsoft still can’t find a solution. One more problem that could undoubtedly be reflected in the already low number of Windows 11 users.

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