
With this Google function you will find all the information about you on the Internet

The Internet is an important part of life for a growing number of regular users of technology. An increasing amount of own data is published, which remains on the network available to all those who want to get hold of it, for example, through Google.

Hence, on many occasions, surely many of you have wondered how to see the private information that is in Internet About us. Perhaps on more than one occasion we get some surprises and we think that the online universe cannot know anything about ourselves. Therefore, next, we are going to talk about a mode of operation that the search giant Google proposes to us and that will be very helpful in these tasks.

Specifically, we are going to talk about a tool that this firm offers us that most of you probably already know, to see the information stored online. To give you an idea of ​​what we are telling you, we are going to focus on Google Dorks. Also Known As Do Dorking, we are talking about a technique that consists of applying different filters and parameters to carry out an advanced search on Google. With this we will achieve the objectives that we mentioned and see the personal data that the Internet knows.

We will achieve all this by applying a series of filters to the results with operators called Dorks. Actually, with this we refer to elements with which we establish a series of conditions to improve searches.

How to Dork on Google

The best example that we can carry out is to put the search text that interests us in double quotes. With this, what we achieve is to search for information that only exactly matches the specified text. That is why below we will show you some of the Dorks that you can use in Google to search for more specific information about what is on the Internet about ourselves.

  • Use @: if we put it in front of a word, Google searches social networks.
  • Set #: This is used to exclude the word we specified.
  • Type .. between two numbers: search within a range of values.
  • OR: it helps us to combine searches and use multiple terms.
  • AND: as in the previous case, it allows us to perform searches on different terms at once.
  • Site: used to search on specific web pages, although domains can also be used.
  • Related: This is a Dork that allows us to search for websites related to the one we set.
  • Cache: this allows us to see on the screen the version in google cache from a website to search for data published in the past.
  • Inurl and Intext: these Dorks show us the data that we type after them in certain web pages.
  • Allintext: in this case it will help us to search for exact words contained in the webs.
  • Filetype: to search for files that have the extension that we specify

Google searches

As you can imagine combining several of these Dork in our searches, we will be able to limit and obtain much more detailed information on Google. In addition, regarding the legality of using these Dorks for advanced search in Google, say that it is totally legal as long as we do not use the information obtained for malicious purposes.

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