
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair for free on the Epic Games Store

The months keep going by, and the games keep piling up. And it is that in addition to the powerful list of releases that awaits us this month, Epic Games continues with its journey of free games to offer us this Yooka-Laylee adventure, the spiritual successors of the classic Donkey Kong Country games.

Repeating with the usual model, the game will be available through the Epic Games website, requiring just a couple of clicks to add it to our library for life. To do this, we will only have to log in with our Epic Games account and access the game page (or click on this direct link); or add it directly from the Epic Games Store desktop app, by clicking on the small pop-up at the bottom right of the homepage, or by scrolling a little from the store tab to access the game file, which will redirect us to the page of this title without having to resort to a web browser.

Once again, remember that like the rest of the free games offered on the Epic Games Store, we can only redeem it for free for one week, being the current deadline next thursday 10 February at 16:59 (peninsula time).

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

A game of 2.5D adventures and platforms created by the hand of some of the top creative talents behind Donkey Kong Country and Playtonic Games.

Their archenemy Capital B is up to no good, and the friendly duo have to jump into action again. If they want to foil their evil plan to use a “hive mind” device to enslave an entire kingdom of bees, our heroes will have to delve into the “impossible” lair of Capital B. They’ve got it tough, but with the help of the queen Phoebee and her battalion of bees, Yooka and Laylee might have a chance.

Minimum Requirements Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

  • Operating system: Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-2125 or AMD A8-6600K
  • Memory: 6GB RAM
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 or AMD Radeon HD 5770
  • Storage: 6 GB of free disk space
  • DirectX: Unspecified


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