Are you looking for a job at Apple? Both at the store level, and at a more internal level, the apple company offers jobs that are accessible to the public. Despite being one of the most powerful companies on the planet, the chance to work with them is surprisingly accessible, if you know how to do it. And in this post we explain it to you.
This way you can get a job at Apple or Apple Store
If you enter the official website of Apple, you can do a lot of things: buy an iPhone, get technical support and also, look for a job. The company has a specific section The one where you can start the selection process and the different vacancies that are open at that moment are shown, depending on the location and scope that we select.
In that section we can find four different sections: Work at Apple, Life at Apple, My profile and Search jobs. The first two talk about what it’s like to work at the company, the role you’re going to play, dealing with colleagues and, in general, what it’s like to see the Apple ecosystem from the inside. To look for a job at Apple, the two areas that interest you are My Profile and Search Jobs.
When you want to apply for a job at Apple, you have to create a profile with which you must fill in your personal data, so that they become part of Apple’s database, when selecting candidates. But the good thing about this is that you may not need to create a new account, just to carry out this process. If you have an Apple ID, your profile is created automatically and you have the account registered. Of course, the personal data must be filled in in the same way.
You can find work based on the location where the vacancy is available, by keywords, by work teams, by specific products and services, and by languages, if the job requires specific languages. On the other hand, this is the information that we are going to find in the jobs:
- Job Summary: aim, tasks to develop and types of workdays available.
- qualifications required for the position.
- in-depth description of the position that you are going to perform.
- Requirements additional.
The information of the salary is not in sight. And it is that, in the same way as in other companies that publish public job offers, the information about how much you are going to charge is said a posteriori. However, despite this limitation, the portal is accessible and its operation is very fluid. Once you have completed your information and sent your CV, you will be sent an email confirming your registration in the system.
From here, you will have to wait for a response from Apple on whether you enter (or not) in the next selection phase, if they want to do a job interview, or if they need more additional information. What do you think of this method of looking for a job at Apple? Would you apply for any position?