
Your Twitch passwords weren’t exposed, the company says

So much if you are a Twitch user As if not, you may have found out about the breach that the service suffered last week, if only for having aired the salary that some of its most popular creators pocket each month. Beyond this particular, obvious object of curiosity and envy of many, is the fact itself.

And the fact is that the Twitch breach did not only endanger the information of the creators, but that of the set of users of the Amazon platform, which is why practically all the news that collected the event recommended the renewal of passwords to every Twitch user, even if it was just to heal in health.

The company said it would study the case and report back when it had more data and has done so: “Twitch passwords have not been exposed»Is the most explicit sentence of the last update of the status of this event made by those responsible for the service. This is important, because although passwords are usually stored encrypted, they are a critical element of security.

But it is not the only one, especially on a site like Twitch, where the bulk of the business is based on subscriptions or micropayments. “We are also certain that the systems that store the Twitch login credentials, which are encrypted with bcrypt, were not accessed, or neither to the complete numbers of the credit cards nor to the ACH / bank information«, They add in this regard.

So far the official information. The unofficial pointed to a more severe breach, an attack also related to poor security practices by Twitch and that would be repeated for years, according to The Verge, but the truth is that in the absence of reliable evidence to the contrary, the official information is the only relevant thing.

That said, if you are a Twitch user and you did not get to reset and create a new password, it never hurts to do it even if this type of case does not occur: this is a good security practice and if you use a password manager competent – the browser itself works – shouldn’t cost you more than a minute.

Regardless of the password but motivated by the gap in question, the Twitch blog reminds you of the ways to reinforce the security of access to the account.

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