▷ DKV customer service: phone, contact and support email

DKV is a health insurance company that currently operates in Spain under the same name. Like any third party company, the company has a customer service service, beyond the patient service itself. Telephone, contact form, email, social networks … This time we have compiled a compilation with all the contact channels for DKV’s customer service.

DKV hotline

If we want to contact the company to resolve any general incident or request information by phone, we can call the number 976 506 000 . Being a national prefix, the price of the call depends on the rate contracted with the operator, although it does not usually differ from the price of the call to any landline.

The hours of operation go from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. For the rest of DKV services we can use the following telephone numbers:

DKV contact form

Another way to contact the company for any incident o general consultation is based on the form that the website itself makes available to DKV clients and patients. We can access this form through the following link:

To receive a response as soon as possible, we will have to attach the number of the policy, the DNI number, a telephone number and a valid email address .

Email from DKV to contact by email

To attend to different types of queries, procedures and incidents, DKV makes available to patients a series of email addresses. The email address of the customer service is atencion.cliente@dkvseguros.es . For all other inquiries, the addresses are as follows:

DKV social networks (Twitter and Facebook)

DKV also has a presence on various social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook. From these same profiles, the company provides assistance to users through direct message and live chat.

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