4 websites where you can bid and buy all kinds of things on the Internet

Everything related to electronic commerce and online shopping has not stopped growing over the last few years. We have at our disposal thousands of websites where you can buy all kinds of products, either directly or through auction, new or used. One of the best-known platforms for a long time is the popular eBay.

In the same way when buying all kinds of products over the internet using our favorite browser, Amazon is one of the first proposals that come to mind. However, the aforementioned eBay is a e-commerce platform rather focused on the auction world, while Amazon focuses more on direct commercial sales.

At the same time, for many users around the globe, eBay is a auction website That has long since ceased to be important. There are several reasons behind this statement, but we must also know that there are other interesting alternatives. We are talking about web platforms focused on auctions that will also allow us to find all kinds of offers and good prices on a large number of products.

As a result of all this that we tell you, we are going to show you a series of alternative proposals to benefit from online auctions and leave eBay aside.


Here we find a very interesting platform similar in terms of its operation to the aforementioned eBay, which is also based on auctions. With everything and with it we find a multitude of products that are sold at a fixed price so that we can purchase it directly. Therefore, we could say that its appearance and operation is similar to the popular platform that we talked about before.

Keep in mind that this website takes 3% of each sale we make. This is a significantly lower percentage than the aforementioned auction giant.


If we look for another alternative equally focused on the world of auctions, we find Trademe. Here we can find this type of buying and selling movements accessible to all types of users. It is mainly used in New Zealand, although we can take advantage of the offers that appear here from all over the globe.

To give you an idea, this auction platform charge 7% for those sales of less than 150 euros and about 2% for items valued at more than 1500 euros.

Online Auction

This other auction platform that we are talking about has been with us for many years. From the beginning it was an interesting alternative to Ebay. One of its main claims is that it does not have a percentage that is taken for each of the sales. Of course, in order to manage our store and continue selling and auctioning products here we will have to pay a fee of 8 euros per month.

In addition, it offers us a simple user interface for both the seller and the buyer and thus make the most of the auctions displayed here.


In this case we find another weekly auction website that is characterized by the enormous number of categories that it presents to us at first. Thus we only have to click on the one that most interests us in each case and choose the products auctioned for bid up for the same All this in a quick and easy way that is affordable for all users.

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