6 Apps That Will Help You Wake Up For Early Classes

Are you a morning person? Or do you want to sleep until noon and drink lots of coffee even before thinking about going to class? Lots of people are struggling with their early routine, especially in winter. Days are very short, and mornings are particularly hard when it’s snowing or raining. Not everybody wants to get up when it’s dark and spend the rest of the day being sleepy.

Unfortunately, students often don’t have any choice. Classes usually start very early, especially in college. If you skip anything, the professors can lower your grade or even not allow you to take the final exams. Also, your future career can depend on early mornings. Not every boss will wait for you to get up at noon!

When you still want to sleep in the morning, order some assignments from an EssayHub essay service and don’t stress about homework ever again! Often people set their alarm clock to ring every five minutes and they are still late for class! If you are one of those individuals, this article is definitely for you. So, here are 6 apps that will help you wake up for early classes!

Morning Routine

For some students, routine is very important. It helps them to stay focused on stuff that is really important, like their classes or spending time with family and friends. With the Morning Routine app, you can set your alarm clock and track all your habits that will help you get going faster. Students can use this app for coffee breaks, workouts, breakfast, and even commute!

You also can input some of the assignments when they take a lot of time. But when you don’t have enough time to do your homework, look for some essay writing services reviews on the Internet. For example, on NoCramming, you can find the best writer for your needs, and you can sleep a little more!


This application is designed specifically to help owners to get out of bed in the morning. As you set your alarm clock, you have to solve some tasks to turn off the sound. The tasks also can vary from some mathematical problem to extremely complex missions so you can really prove that you are awake! You can also choose different sounds and the intensity of the alarm.

Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock

You probably already know that there are different cycles that happen during the night. There are deep sleep cycles when your brain is very calm. Waking up during this cycle is very hard, as you will feel tired and drowsy. Also, there is the lightest phase that lasts around 20-30 minutes. This is the best time to wake up because your brain is agitated.

This app will track your cycles and suggest the best time to go to bed and to wake up. Through a microphone, the application monitors the sounds that you make so it can detect the lightest cycle. You will wake up in the most natural way, feeling ready for the day! You might sacrifice a little bit of sleep in the morning, but it will definitely be worth it.


This is a very interesting application that doesn’t wake you up but helps you prepare for the day. This is a weather app where you can get your funny predictions from a cute cat in a yellow coat! Don’t worry, the cat got your back. It will alert you of a bad hair day or warn you to take your umbrella with you. We all need some positivity and humor in our morning routine!


Yes, the app with your music will help you get ready for classes! There are some morning-friendly additions that will use music to wake you up and put you in the right set of mind. After consulting with music psychologists, Spotify released a playlist that is perfect for the morning even when you hate waking up early. You can also adjust it to your personal liking.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/Q4KQWFKX0Gs

The Rock Clock

Do you like the energy of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson? Well, now, he can personally be the voice of your alarm clock and motivate you for the day! The actor recorded messages for his fans that can inspire them to work out or just tackle their daily problems. Students can set their alarm clocks to the routine of The Rock himself but beware that he gets up at 4:30 am!

Tips For Waking Up Early

Of course, you can’t just rely on a mobile application to create a habit of being productive every day. For some people, it takes a lot of work to be productive at such an early time. So here are some tips for becoming a morning person!


So, there you have it, 6 apps that will help you wake up for early classes. It is very hard to stay focused when all you want to do is go to a warm bed. You can easily change your life after you finish college. But students still have to follow a schedule. So, you are all in this together! Share some tips with your friends and try to stay positive!

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