Advertising in free PS5 and Xbox Series X/S games? It could be a reality very soon

It seems that more and more platforms are going to start betting on advertising to increase their profits. Today we have told you about the next Netflix subscription plan with ads. And the new generation consoles from Sony and Micryosoft could be the next to surprise us at show ads while playing with the PS5 or Xbox Series X / S.

Or this is what emerges from the last report published by Business Insider and in which he states that Microsoft and Sony are seriously considering the possibility of starting to offer advertising on their next-generation consoles.

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Advertising on PS5 and Xbox Series? It is just around the corner

As indicated by the well-known portal, the main console manufacturers, with permission from Nintendo, want to allow advertisers to integrate advertising within the free games available on PS5 and Xbox.

Microsoft wants to allow advertisers to place ads inside free-to-play Xbox games, and is currently identifying ad-tech companies that can create the in-game inventory and work with ad agencies to place the ads, said two people who are involved in the investigation. the conversations”reported Business Insider. “ANDThose sources said those ads would appear, for example, as digitally rendered billboards in a car racing game.”

Although neither of the two companies has indicated anything about it, Business Insider says that Microsoft will start offering ads in the free Xbox Series X and S games throughout the third quarter of the year, while Sony would integrate advertising into the PS5 at the end of 2022.

The idea of ​​both companies is to integrate advertising in the most natural way. For example, in racing games, billboards would be used to deliver real advertisements. There could also be upgrades, items, and other rewards for watching an ad, as is currently the case with free mobile games.

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Microsoft and Sony want more free-to-play games

It is noteworthy that the idea of add advertising to free games available for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S It has nothing to do with making money. Sony and Microsoft’s goal is to increase the number of free games, and they have thought that it is a good way to incentivize indie developers of free-to-play titles to see that they can earn more money with their games.

In this way, neither Microsoft nor Sony would make money from this advertising, which would go directly to the developers. It seems like, advertising would be sold through private batch auctionsso that certain advertisers can appear in games according to their target.

The truth is that the idea is not bad. As long as the advertising is not invasive, the idea of ​​having more free games for PS5 and Xbox Series X / S is always good news for the end user, who will have a wider range of free titles to choose from. what a fun time. And even if you have to see the occasional billboard, or view an ad in exchange for winning a prize, it is a lesser evil and to which we have already become accustomed if we play free titles with our mobile, so it is a lesser evil than exchange for enjoying a more complete catalogue.

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