Alert on Facebook! This new scam wants to steal your data

Be protected when browsing Internet is essential, but even more so when using platforms of this type. It is convenient to take certain precautionary measures to avoid problems and thus ensure that the account is properly protected. In addition, the fact that you are attacked could put your contacts at risk.

New bait to steal Facebook

But, what is this new threat with which they can steal a Facebook account? Scammers send a link where they say “Look who just died”. What they are looking for is for the victim to click, basically. They try to create the need to enter that page and thus be able to take control of the Facebook account.

It’s as simple as that. There’s no more. It is a link and the text where they indicate “Look who just died”. From there, when clicked, the victim goes to a web page of a alleged news site where they report that alleged death. Sometimes they add phrases like “How sad”, “I know you knew him”, etc.

Once the attacker has taken control of the account, they can log you out, block it, read all your messages, or interact with your contacts. The latter allows you to even send these types of messages to your friends and family, again with the aim of taking control of their accounts.

When you fall into this kind of trap, the problem may be irreversible. That is, they could delete content that you have uploaded, delete your posts, delete contacts, etc. Even losing access to the account, since recovering it is not always an easy task in these cases.

Steps to avoid this problem

Avoiding these types of scams is really easy. The most important thing is common sense and not make mistakes. If you receive a message of this type, as well as any other unknown, it is very important that you do not open it. In case you click by mistake, do not download any file, nor log in or enter your data.

Another tip is to have the protected device. A good antivirus can help you detect and remove malicious software. You could download a fake file, which is actually malware, and that could lead to the theft of information and data. Having security software installed is very useful in these cases.

Also, have updated the system it can also protect you. There are many vulnerabilities that can appear. You could have outdated the Facebook program or the operating system itself. Installing the necessary patches and updates is a good idea to correct these problems.

As you can see, a new attack can put your Facebook account at risk. The best thing to protect social networks is common sense. Avoid making mistakes, always have a good antivirus installed and keep the system updated. All this will help you protect your security and not suffer attacks.

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