Aloy “sneaks” into the Horizon Call of the Mountain launch trailer

With PlayStation VR2 coming to market in less than a week, Horizon Call of the Mountain aims to be one of the most important titles of those that will already be available for the virtual reality system of the Sony console. Developed by Guerrilla Games, we find ourselves before a new title that adds to the saga starring Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West, in which we have to guide the young and brave Aloy in her exploration of a post-apocalyptic world.

Those who have already played one of both titles know that its visual design is spectacular, and that just dedicating yourself to going through and exploring its more than extensive maps is already a fully satisfactory activity. The Horizons are a perfect example of how open world games should be, in which extension is important, of course, but which must necessarily go hand in hand with density and “life” throughout it, because in Otherwise, its exploration can become tedious (and this is what usually happens) after a short time, since it does not contribute anything to the game or to the player.

Thus, it is quite a success that Sony has decided that Horizon Call of the Mountain, the exclusive Horizon world experience for PlayStation VR2, should be among the titles available at the launch of its virtual reality headset, since it is one of those that can provide a tremendously satisfying immersive experience, just like I commented on the previous titles, simply observing the world around us. I’ve already mentioned it once before, if there’s one reason I might consider getting a PlayStation 5 along with the PlayStation VR2, it’s Horizon Call of the Mountain.

Now, gamers don’t live on landscapes alone, so the launch trailer for Horizon Call of the Mountain brings us more interesting information about the game. Now available on the PlayStation channel on YouTube, we began by confirming something that we already expected based on previous advances, and that is that this time We will not embody Aloy, although she will be present in our adventure, as we can see when the first 15 seconds of the trailer have barely elapsed. A complete success, without a doubt, since Aloy is a tremendously iconic character, so his mere presence is already an incentive in the game.

On the other hand, and in a very notable aspect, it seems that Guerrilla and Sony they have not sacrificed pace and playability in favor of an immersive experience. In the trailer we can see some of the machines that we will have to face, as well as some elements of the game’s plot and, at least in this approach, it seems that Horizon Call of the Mountain promises to live up to its two predecessor titles. .

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