Check if you are in the regulated or free electricity market by looking at this

Differences between free and regulated electricity market

First, let’s review what differences there is between free or regulated market. We can say that the regulated rate is the one set by the government. It is a regulated market and varies every day based on auctions. In fact, every hour you will have a different price. That is why you will see that at certain times it is more expensive or cheaper to consume electricity.

Is regulated rate traded on the wholesale market. From there, the companies that offer this rate will not be able to have more profit margin. They cannot offer promotions or discounts, or negotiate that rate with customers in any way. Clients simply join the regulated market and that’s it.

Instead, the free rate offers many more options. There are countless companies and different rates. You can opt for discounts, offers, etc. Of course, in many cases you will have permanence. If you are in the regulated market you can have a rate in which there is no time difference and you will always pay the same.

This option is interesting to be able to better adapt a rate. Perhaps you are interested in always paying the same, regardless of the time of day, or having slots and taking advantage of when it is cheaper. You can also hire additional services.

How to know if it is a free or regulated rate

So how can we know if we are in the free or regulated market? For this, it is enough to have a electricity bill. There you can see the information that will show you what type of rate you have and you can see what market you are in. You can have a physical invoice, on paper, or by entering through the Internet.

Although this will depend on the company, there must be a section on the invoice where they appear. contract data. There it will come if it is a regulated or free rate, as well as the name of the rate you have contracted. If a specific name of that rate appears, a commercial name, it is that you are in the free market.

But this too you can easily see just by looking at the electric company name that comes on the bill. Today there are 8 companies that offer a regulated tariff: Energía XXI (which belongs to Endesa), Curenergía (which belongs to Iberdrola), Gas & Power (Naturgy), Régsiti (Repsol), Baser COR, Corenergético, Teramelcor SL and Ceuta XXI Energy.

Therefore, if your invoice says any of the companies we have mentioned, you are in the regulated market. If you put anything else, and this includes, for example, Endesa Energía SA or Iberdrola Clientes SAU, you are in the free market.

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