Cisco improves support for industrial IoT and updates its Duo security tool

Cisco has announced, at his event Live Amsterdam 2023several enhancements and new products related to its cloud control panel for the Industrial Internet of Things, as well as increasing its portfolio of Catalyst switches, launching a risk observability suite, and updating its Duo security suite with new features.

The IoT Operations dashboard complements the Cisco IoT Control Center, which allows you to manage IoT devices connected through mobile networks. And from now on it has Cisco CyberVisiona software that is responsible for automatically developing a detailed inventory of all operations technology devices, and also to identify vulnerabilities.

Cyber ​​Vision can share your inventories with the detection and response platform Extended Detection and Response (XDR). In this way they offer a combined inventory of IT assets and operations, which can lead to more facilities for threat investigation and for the development of remediation workflows.

Cyber ​​Vision, still in the testing phase, can also provide vulnerability threat scoring, specify which threats are being exploited, and prioritize the request needed to address them. In addition, it offers a suite of tools that both operations and IT teams can use to improve their efficiency in reducing infrastructure downtime.

Cisco has also added another service, Secure Equipment Access Plus; to remotely deploy, maintain, and troubleshoot hardware connected to the company’s industrial routers. Its features allow you to perform all these tasks from a web-based panel, open in a browser.

New Catalyst Switches

As for its portfolio of Catalyst rugged switches, Cisco has updated it with a range of devices built to fit in tight-fitting spaces. are the switches Catalyst IE3100 gigabit Ethernet. They all stand out for their small size, and are used to connect them to industrial devices ranging from robots to controllers. They run the IOS-XE operating system and are managed through the Cisco DNA Center. They will be available from March.

In addition, it has expanded the Catalyst family with a hardened wireless client based on Catalyst: the IW9165, a hardware device capable of being attached to vehicles, robots, autonomous vehicles and other assets capable of movement. You can offer location services, and turn devices on and off. You can also connect to conventional WiFi networks, or participate in wireless URWB (Ultra Reliables Wireless Backhaul) technology. This technology offers a high level of availability, low latency and zero packet loss. Its mission is to connect devices in motion, or expand networks at points where it is not possible to deploy fiber. It will be available from April.

Security enhancements for Cisco Duo and new risk observability app

Cisco has added more security options to your cloud access protection software Duo, whose mission is to help protect companies and organizations from security breaches. To do this, it uses multi-step authentication (MFA) to verify the identity of users and the status of their devices before giving them access.

Among the enhancements to the service are the Remembered Devices and Wi-Fi Fingerprint features. With them, users of a system can avoid authenticating to it repeatedly when moving from application to application in trusted operations. Another novelty, Verified Push, allows Duo to recognize the behavior of known attack patterns, and ask the user to enter a code instead of pressing a button to confirm steps.

Regarding the new risk observability application for companies, Business Risk ObservabilityAvailable now, it is designed to help IT teams address the severity of vulnerabilities, and prioritize the most serious ones to fix them sooner.

The application combines data from various sources, such as score distribution data from Kenna Risk Meter, or business transaction details from Cisco AppDynamics. With them, it is responsible for generating a business risk score index of applications or services that have a high probability of being exploited.

On the other hand, Cisco has boosted its SASE subscription service with expanded access to your Cisco SD-WAN suite for more security. Until now, the subscription service, Cisco+ Secure Connect, included Cisco Meraki SD-WAN technology, but from now on, to simplify network security and policy management, it will now also support the integration with Cisco SD-WAN using Viptela technology.

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