Artificial Intelligence

Concerned About Being Replaced by AI? Here’s What to Do

Workers of all shapes and sizes are beginning to express concerns about being replaced by AI and similarly advanced technologies. While some of these fears are unfounded or exaggerated, many of them are grounded in reality.

So what can you do to prevent the possibility of being replaced by AI, or at least be in a better position to recover if we are replaced?

The Threat of AI

It’s not hard to understand why so many people are existentially concerned about the development of AI. AI tools have become incredibly powerful and easy to use, automating or simplifying a wide variety of tasks that were once entirely dependent on human beings. 

Already, many positions have been transformed or eradicated as a result of advancing technology, and certain positions and industries are struggling now that AI has achieved a prominent foothold.

That said, AI isn’t perfect and it can’t do everything, even in some of the positions it’s in line to replace. That’s partially because AI is more suited to displacement than replacement; instead of taking over human positions entirely, AI is much more commonly used as a supplementary or assistive resource by human workers.

With that in mind, there are many strategies that can help you prevent being replaced or rendered obsolete by this type of technology.

Resilience in the AI Era

There are a few main areas of development to focus on:

  1. Skills and abilities. One option is to improve your skills and abilities, such that AI and similar technologies can no longer threaten you. As a simple example, you can become certified in the operation of aerial lifts; these machines still require human operators, and likely will well into the future. If you work in an industry or position unlikely to be threatened by AI, your future will be much more secure.
  2. Personality. AI may be conversational, but it doesn’t have much of a true personality. Roles that require human connection are going to be much more resilient to AI displacement than others.
  3. Connections. Similarly, you’ll have more job security if you have ample professional connections. Now could be a great time to look at and develop your professional network, so you have more job and career options well into the future.
  4. Contingencies. Good strategies also rely on contingency plans. If AI develops faster than you expect, or if your main plan fails, what are you going to do?

A Checklist for Professional Development

These are some of the most important ways that you can develop yourself as a professional to resist the threat of AI:

  • Take an honest assessment. Some jobs are much more likely to be replaced by AI than others. That’s why your first responsibility should be taking an honest assessment of your position. Are you likely to be replaced by AI in the near future? Is your industry under threat? And if so, why is that the case? And are there ways for you to guard against that threat?
  • Develop your skills. It’s time to develop your skills and build your abilities in a direction that AI can’t rival. There are tons of options here, in practically all industries. As a rule of thumb, the more unpredictable or “human” the task is, the less likely it’s going to be displaced by AI in the near future.
  • Rise to leadership and management positions. In line with this, leadership and management positions are not especially threatened by AI and similar technologies. If you can secure yourself a position as a leader, manager, supervisor, or decision maker, you’ll be much more insulated from technological threats.
  • Flesh out your network. Meet as many professionals as possible and nurture your relationships with them. Even if you find people outside your typical discourse community, your connections to them can be valuable for a number of reasons.
  • Establish secondary streams of income. Diversifying your income streams is one of the best ways to make yourself more resilient to all manner of professional and existential threats. Not only will this increase the total amount of income you generate, but it will also decrease your risk; if any single source of income dries up, you’ll have plenty of fallbacks.
  • Create backup plans. Always have backup plans, including backup plans for your backup plans.

No one can accurately predict what’s coming next in the world of AI. We may see another explosion of AI growth in the near future, ultimately leading to a technological singularity and a fundamental revision of all our professional lives. 

AI could also remain stagnant for decades to come. Accordingly, instead of falling to complacency or needlessly worrying about an uncertain future, your best option is to position yourself so you can thrive in any imaginable set of circumstances.

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