Continuous training, key to boosting internal talent in an organization

The labor and business landscape has taken a 180 degree turn in recent years and much of it is due to the whirlwind of digital transformation, which has caused a change in mentality both by companies and by the workers themselves. Every day new professions appear or we have new tools that make our daily work easier thanks to this rapid advancement of technology.

Therefore, we can affirm that the great challenge for organizations is to face these changes and continue to be competitive in their sector. Today, this is especially relevant within the world of telecommunications and we know that to make it possible we have to invest in training our human capital from within.

People are the engine of organizations, therefore, our internal policies must advocate constant learning for the workforce to build an attractive work dynamic that at the same time allows us to respond to the changing needs that the company may be experiencing.

The ideal is to offer HR to employees training options either to optimize their performance in their current position (what is known as upskilling) or to acquire new skills in different professional areas (what is known as reskilling). In this way, we manage to combat the digital divide, increase staff motivation, improve employee performance or reduce the adaptation times of new hires.

In addition, investing in training is always a safe bet since the loyalty ratios of the workforce increase, the corporate reputation of the company improves and the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN (8 -decent work and economic growth) are also met. -, 9 -industry, innovation and infrastructure- and 10 -reduction of inequalities-). Looking to get your skills upgraded, visit

Tools to encourage upskilling and reskilling of talent

Designing corporate universities or personalized e-learning platforms within the company to share knowledge internally is one of the best practices within HR to promote both upskilling and reskilling of talent, since it also allows democratizing access to it. by all employees. At Grupo Aire we have a corporate university, Aire University, and we also collaborate with other external training platforms focused on boosting the technical skills of the workforce, which is one of our main short-term objectives.

Language training is also key since we live in an increasingly globalized world and there are many possible ways to create a good habit within organizations. It works especially well for us to have native teachers on staff due to the flexibility it offers us, as well as the personalization of the training. As a result, our employee satisfaction rate with these programs is 95%.

In fact, with these tools we have trained 150 people throughout the group so far this year, mainly in technical, commercial, soft skills and in languages; which gives an idea of ​​what can be done, implementing some simple but efficient projects.

Internal promotion and professional career

But it is not only about training the staff to keep it updated. As I mentioned at the beginning, transforming employees within the company allows us to adapt to the new needs of the market without having to look for that talent abroad. The data tells us that it is a possibility that is still little exploited: the Digital Economy report, from February 2022, revealed that only 20% of companies have initiatives to reskilling. Thanks to the policies of reskillsour employees manage to increase their professional skills in new areas, optimize their soft skills and become strategic resources within the company since they know different areas of the business.

Embrace lifelong learning through the development and implementation of actions of reskilling Y upskilling it manages to turn people into more valuable professionals and, therefore, they will have more options at the work level to opt for internal promotions or to consolidate a more ambitious career plan within the company.

Fostering internal talent is and will continue to be one of the key pillars of our company in order to respond to the changing needs of the market from our own “home”.

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