Create a PlayStation Memory Card with a Raspberry Pi

practically from minute one PlayStation was prey to all kinds of tricks to get past their protection systems. First was the famous disk-swap that allowed loading copies in a relatively simple way although, over the years, things became even more sophisticated thanks to the installation of special chips. So if there was no truce then, imagine in these times once more than 26 years have passed.

A simple Memory Card

If you remember, the famous PlayStation memory cards were the only way to save games in the first version of the console. That PSX had no internal storage and it was impossible to write anything on the disks, so either we had one of these Memory Cards or when we turned on the machine again we had to replay us everything that we took from departure.

now it just showed up a project called PicoMemcard, signed by Danielle Giuliani, and by which we will be able to expand that storage capacity of the console thanks to the presence of a USB interface in which we will be able to click a storage key of several gigabytes and, even, an SD card to enjoy a plus more space to save things.

And of course, when we talk about more storage and gigabytes, we are not referring to space to write save games of those, but rather something else. Guess what? Indeed, one of the functions of this PicoMemcard is allow us to load backups of games that we have on the computer or vice versa, take a disk that we do not have a backup of and do it quickly and easily.

What do you need?

In the video that you have right here below you can see exactly what they use to build that PicoMemcard, but it is basically an old PlayStation Memory Card (the one with the least capacity and the one in the worst condition) and solder feel jumpers to the card connector contacts memory to connect to the Pico. Then you just have to install the firmware developed specifically for this accessory and that’s it, we’ll have it.

It is certainly up to date one of the cleanest and least intrusive backup systems for PlayStation that we have seen so far, since by connecting the PicoMemcard directly to the second port we will get full access to a console that arrived in the mid-90s to completely change the history of video games.

Remember that it was PlayStation that marked the final decline of SEGA and its machines (poor Dreamcast!), the bad times of Nintendo until its recovery some time later with Wii and the entry of Microsoft with Xbox in 2001 to try to respond to the resounding success of Sony that, practically since then, has not had much competition as far as sales of desktop consoles are concerned.

Although if you never had an original PlayStation, the development of this PicoMemcard could be a good reason to get soaked again of some of the great video game names that were forged in that generation.

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