Data Analyst, what programs do they use and how much do they charge?

Everything that surrounds the world of software and the internet has been growing significantly over the last few years. As a result, new jobs have appeared that have given the opportunity to many experts around the world. Next, we want to talk about the so-called Data Analysta job that is increasingly in demand.

Perhaps the first thing we ask ourselves here is what this specific position is about. Well, for those of you who are not completely clear about it, we must mention that its main objective is collect and analyze data, as its name suggests. But of course, it is also important to know that their functions go further, hence the professional demand that they currently have. Among its many functions we can highlight that they are responsible for processing, selecting, grouping and analyzing large amounts of selected data. At the same time, they have to generate reports and evaluations, in addition to developing analyzes of all this information.

Obviously, the corresponding results must also be presented in an adequate and effective way so that all this is understandable for the rest. All this requires a series of skills that are now being acquired with certain training methods and of course with experience. In addition, it is quite important to have knowledge of certain software tools in order to be able to carry out their work in the best possible way. Depending on the sector and the type of data that a Data Analyst needs, the use of the necessary programs will vary a bit.

Tools used by a Data Analyst and salaries

In short, a Data Analyst is a professional who focuses on the interpretation of a series of data. All of his work greatly helps the company to establish strategies to move forward, whether they are marketing, advertising, or any other sector they want to enter. Obviously, for all this, they need to know how to both collect and analyze all this data. In addition, they must take advantage of the benefits of certain tools for all this, as is the case in most Job positions.

Here we can mention some important software solutions that are often used for this type of analysis and interpretation procedures. Among the most common we can talk about SAS, SQLSPSS, python or Microsoft Excel and Access. Obviously these solutions may vary depending on the software provided by the company itself, but this is the general approach. Seeing all this that we are commenting on and the importance of all this information collected in these times, we can understand that this is a job that is increasingly in demand.

To finish, we will tell you that, as happens with most professional sectors, generalizing about the salaries that usually occur here, is quite subjective. But for those of you who are thinking of entering this world of Data Analyst, we can tell you about some approximate figures. Thus, to say that, in our country, the average salary of a Data Analyst is around 30,000 euros per year. But of course, many other variables come into play in these figures, such as the experience of the professional, the type of company, skills, etc.

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