Don’t forget your passwords with these tricks

We constantly use passwords in our day to day. For example to enter social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, access bank accounts or simply enter a Windows device. But of course, having so many keys can make us forget one of them at some point. Therefore, in this article we are going to give some basic tricks to not have the problem of forgetting passwords.

What to do so as not to forget keys

When we forget a password the first problem is the waste of time. We have to remember the password, receive an e-mail to create a new one and even sometimes we must verify our account in some way to verify that we are the legitimate user. Therefore, avoiding reaching this point becomes increasingly necessary.

Use password managers

A very interesting option to avoid forgetting passwords is to use a key manager. This type of program, which we can install on both computers and mobile phones, is used to manage passwords and to be able to quickly start a session while browsing, without having to remember all of them.

It is very useful when we create strong passwords, since they must be unique, with all kinds of symbols and also with an adequate length. This makes it difficult for us to remember them. For example, a good password would be 3H8 $ / – sP2e0 ”B. Could you remember 20 such passwords, some of them that you only use every few months? It is certainly complicated and that is where these applications come into play.

We must choose good password managers, since not all of them work the same. Ideally, we can integrate them into different operating systems and types of devices, so that you can log in quickly and without complications.

Enable biometric authentication

Another method that has become very widespread in recent times is the use of the biometric authentication. Especially on mobile devices it is something that we use it more and more. It basically consists of logging into social networks, bank accounts or using any compatible application, simply by using the fingerprint or facial recognition.

We can easily configure this on our devices. For example, with our fingerprint we could enter a large number of programs that are compatible and we would not have to memorize the access codes and enter them every time we log in. In addition, they are safe methods.

2FA key

One more alternative to be able to forget about passwords is to use a 2FA key. It is something that is not yet widespread, but we can use it to log into some devices or programs that are compatible and allow us to authenticate in this way.

Basically it is a small device, the size of a pendrive, which serves to verify that we are the legitimate user who is entering a system or logging in to any platform. It is expected that in the coming years its use will increase and we will be able to use it in more online services.

In short, these are some simple tricks that you can use to avoid forgetting your passwords, but also without sacrificing security. One option that many users use is to create simple passwords, with their date of birth for example, but that is the worst mistake we can make.

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