Energy shortage: the government plans to cut Internet boxes this winter

Internet cuts will take place this winter, confirmed this Jean-Noël Barrot, the Minister for the Digital Transition on Europe 1. The government plans to require telecom operators to update their boxes so that they automatically put on standby at night. A new measure of the energy sobriety plan.

Since the start of the school year, the energy sobriety plan has been talked about a lot. The stakes are high: to save as much electricity as possible, which is very likely to run out during the winter to avoid untimely cuts as much as possible. Several proposals are already on the table, including the possibility of cutting off the electricity on certain devices for Linky meter users between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Of course, digital is also subject to debate. While cuts on mobile networks have already been mentioned, operators fear their side of Internet cuts. Already in early July, Orange warned of potential disruptions to its network due to soaring energy prices. In turn, the government began to put forward the idea of ​​cutting its Wi-Fi connection for a few hours.

Expect internet blackouts overnight this winter

A few months later, it seems that the latter has made his decision. When asked if users should expect their Internet box to be cut off remotely, Jean-Noël Barrot, the Minister for the Digital Transition, replies that ” it is the objective “. But the reality is somewhat more nuanced. Jean-Noël Barrot recalls that some boxes have an automatic standby system, which generally starts at night.

On the same subject: Mobile networks are also at risk of being cut off this winter due to the shortage of energy

The idea is therefore to generalize this practice, which is still too marginalized, via a “update that allows this standby mode more systematically”. As for the new boxes that will arrive on the market, they will have to integrate this functionality by default. In this way, the government hopes “reducing energy consumption without requiring too much effort from the French”.

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