Fed up with Twitter trolls and spoilers? Block words you don’t want to see

Social networks for many users around the world are an active part of their lives, whether in a personal or more professional capacity. platforms like Twitter They have been gaining importance over the years, although not all uses are allowed or well seen.

With this, what we really want to tell you is that there are certain users who use these internet platforms to unleash their hatred and bad ways. In a way they take advantage of the privacy and anonymity that the internet offers in a way to attack others. Likewise, certain expressions and types of language which normally in real life are not very well seen.

That is precisely why the heads of many of these platforms that we are talking about have gradually been implementing functions to get rid of these users. One of the most criticized and pointed out social networks in this sense is precisely that of the blue bird. As many of you already know, this is a service that focuses on the use of short text messages. All this in order to interact with users from all over the globe. However, on more occasions than we would like, we find ourselves with menajes and words that we would not want to see on our wall.

This basically means that a good configuration regarding the security and privacy of our account is very important in this social network. And it is that at any moment we ourselves can be victims of what are called trolls They attack us for no reason. Likewise, it may also be the case that we do not want to see certain terms appear in our Twitter account.

Block words or terms you don’t want to see on Twitter

With this, what we want to tell you is that to avoid certain terms that we do not want to see in our account of the blue bird social network, we can configure and customize. And we no longer only talk about insults or profanity, but also in this way we can avoid spoilers of some kind or simply some words that we consider inappropriate for whatever reason. Therefore, below, we are going to show you how you can adapt your personal account to avoid certain terms.

To do this, the first thing we do is access our personal social network account and we access the section called Settings and support / Settings and privacy. Here we are going to find a good number of parameters and sections especially indicated to customize our Twitter account. But in the case that concerns us in these lines, we will opt for Privacy and security.

In the right panel a series of options will now appear, and among them a call Mute and block. This is precisely where we find the parameter that we are interested in configuring in this case to make certain terms that we do not want to see in our account disappear. Just click on silenced words so that notifications and tweets that include them do not appear in our timeline.

Also, it is important to know that we can specify the accounts in which we want to block those terms, or for a certain period of time.

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