Five perfect games to give to a ‘gamer’ mother

We are finally in the month of May and that means several things. The good weather definitely arrives, it gets dark later, the temperatures invite you to go outside and the school and university courses are coming to an end. And of course, it’s time to celebrate the day of one of the most important people in our lives: mothers (gamers).

Mothers, what would we do without them?

Mothers are a very important part of who we are now. They brought us into this world, they have raised us with unconditional affection and on the first Sunday of May we celebrate their day, so The time has come to show them how much we love them. That is why, for those mothers gamers who are legion around the world, here we bring you five games that you can give away for Mother’s Day that, surely, they will love.

And that you know that we have not invented, we have carried out a complete field work specifically asking the target audience for these recommendations, which strictly meets the necessary requirements: being a mother and playing video games.

Two Point Campus

To remind you of your crazy college days, you will surely love this game. A title in the style of The Sims in which we will have to build our own faculty and see the students playing hooky to stay in the cafeteria playing mus. As well as being devilishly funny. You can buy it for PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox, and PS5 right here.

The Sims

Speaking of the king of Rome… we couldn’t leave it off the list this mythical franchise that has left us so many hours of fun. What we like most about this saga is that we can choose if we want to live a peaceful life full of housework or if we prefer eliminate to all sims within fifty kilometers around. Remember that you have it for free in its standard mode on both consoles and PC, through the digital stores of PlayStation, Xbox, etc.

Thimbleweed Park

If your mother is nostalgic for the 80s, with this graphic adventure she will surely revive some of her memories of the LucasArts classics. A story involving super secret associations and government conspiracies, breathe atmosphere vintage through all its pores. Without a doubt, if you like this type of story, you cannot miss one of the best in recent years.

Hogwarts Legacy

Now, with the passage of time, those girls who grew up obsessed with the Harry Potter books are already mothers, so a very good gift would be the most recent title of the franchise. We have experienced few more immersive experiences when it comes to RPG. Also, throwing Avada Kedavras left and right is really fun. You can buy it here for PS5, Xbox, PC, PS4 and Switch.

The Last of Us Part I

Now that thanks to the HBO series this story has reached a more general audience, It is a perfect moment to give to your mother, who wants to know more about Joel and Ellie. We have found few such good stories in the world of video games, as well as such charismatic protagonists and such polished gameplay. Without a doubt the best gift for Mother’s Day on both PS5 and PC.

And you? Which of these games are you going to give away?

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