Goodbye to Cortana: Microsoft will stop supporting its assistant in Windows in 2023

Microsoft is discontinuing support for Cortana in Windowsas expected after at his Build conference, held a few days ago, he announced his new AI assistance tool Windows Copilot. It will therefore be the substitute for Cortanawhich as confirmed by those from Redmond on a support page, will no longer have support «on Windows as a standalone app«.

As we have mentioned and remember in Muycomputer, its substitute will be Windows Copilot, which will be installed in the Windows Taskbar and will use Artificial Intelligence to help system users with their tasks. It will be able not only to perform the operations that Cortana does, but also to have new functions thanks to AI. Among them, the generation of summary of contents, the rewriting of texts, the creation of questions or the automatic and personalized adjustment of the configuration options of the computer.

Microsoft included Cortana in Windows 10 in 2015, giving users of the operating system ever since help them set reminders, open apps and ask questions using voice commands. But despite the excitement it generated at first, it never really took off in use. As a result, the company has been gradually reducing the Cortana experience in Windows.

With the arrival of Windows 11, Cortana lost her place on the Taskbar, and she no longer appears in the experience that Microsoft prepares for the first start of the system. In addition, in 2020 Microsoft removed the Cortana app for iOS and Android, and also ended support for Cortana on several of its devices, such as the Surface headphones.

The exact date when Mimcrosoft will almost completely stop supporting Cortana is not yet clear. It is only known that its end will come before the end of 2023. What is clear is that even before that day comes, Microsoft’s suite of AI tools, which is becoming increasingly prominent, will already be available and will take precedence on all Windows 11 systems. However, Cortana will still be available, at least for a while, in the mobile versions of Outlook and Microsoft Teamsas well as in some functions and sections of Teams.

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