Google Cloud launches Media CDN to offer streaming with YouTube infrastructure

Google Cloud has launched the platform Average CDNwith which both the media and entertainment and leisure companies will be able to offer their users and customers streaming video based on the same infrastructure that Google has been using for a decade to serve YouTube content to its around 2,000 million users.

This CDN, developed from Cloud CDN, and scaled so that each streaming that is launched on it is reproduced in such a way that the protocols are applied optimally, it offers capabilities so that the experience is immersive, in addition to allowing the insertion ads, ecosystem integration, AI analytics and machine learning, and other interactive experiences.

The main advantage that Media CDN has is the Google network, which has invested many resources in the development of a large capacity and reach in more than 200 countries around the world. Modern video applications are sensitive to changes in latency, so bringing content as close to users as possible allows for higher bitrates and reduces rebuffer issues, leading to a better user experience.

In addition to running at scale, globally, Media CDN customizes offering protocols to suit individual users and network conditions. The platform includes out-of-the-box support for QUIC (HTTP/3), TLS 1.3, and BBR, allowing it to be optimized for “last mile” playback. To give you an idea of ​​what this optimizes for streaming, when the Chrome team rolled out QUIC support, video rebuffer time dropped over 9% and performance on mobile improved over 7%.

Media CDN also achieves remarkable download rates. To achieve this, it has several levels of caching, which minimizes calls to the origin, even in the event that the playback is content that is accessed infrequently. This relieves performance or capacity pressure on the source content, and also reduces costs. These features are built into the product and seamlessly support customer content hosted in Google Cloud, on-premises, or in a third-party cloud.

Streaming providers can also improve monetization through ad insertion using the Video Stitcher API, which allows you to manipulate video content to dynamically insert advertising into it. Additionally, through integrations, Media CDN connects customers with key features to simplify their operations. For example, with the Transcoder API, which supports custom streaming formats.

The CDN has been developed with Integrated Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, giving video viewers more control over how they view, experience, and interact with content. So, for example, when watching a game, Media CDN allows those who watch it to access statistics and analytics in real time.

This CDN offers various APIs and automation tools, such as Terraform. It also features detailed, pre-aggregated metrics as well as playback mapping, making it easy to diagnose performance across your infrastructure. Google Cloud’s operations suite offers real-time visibility and integrates with popular developer tools like Grafana and ElasticSearch.

In terms of security, Media CDN, available through this website, allows its users to take advantage of Google’s experience in streaming video safely and reliably. The platform counts integration with Google Cloud Armor to have protection against DDoS attacks. In addition, it incorporates several functions to detect and mitigate attacks, prevent abuse, manage risks and comply with legal or licensing regulations.

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