How many personalities does Moon Knight have?

The most important personalities of Moon Knight

As you may already know, the character that Oscar Isaac plays in Moon Knight suffers Dissociative identity disorder, which means that there are several personalities living together in the same individual and that they do not know each other. In the comics, Moon Knight has had up to 10 different personalities, although many of them have had a very punctual role and have not been developed. Among all, there 5 that are the mainand are the following:

Marc Specter

Is he original name of the character. He is a multifaceted man: he was a military man, he worked as a CIA agent and ended up becoming a boxer and mercenary. Despite this profile, Spector has a certain sense of justice, and he is not an evil being, as he does not attack innocent people. In the comics, the entire story unfolds through Spector, but the show’s writers have left this personality in the background.

Steve Grant

The television series tells the story of the character through this personality almost exclusively. Steven Grant’s personality appears in Spector’s head upon landing in America. Grant turns Spector’s life savings into a fortune after a few successful investments on Wall Street. In the comics, Grant is a Playboy, but in the series there have been quite a few changes in his personality, as he is quite shy and also more intellectual than in the comics. It is his passion for the Egyptian world that leads him to transform into the Moon Knight, while in the comics, his powers are obtained during a job as Marc Spector.

Jake Lockley

Just as Superman becomes a journalist to keep up with the news, Moon Knight has an identity of cabbie that allows you to be informed about the crime. In the comics, Lockley has a large network of contacts. In the series, the personality appears from the sixth chapteralthough one of his informants already appears in the pilot.

moon knight

The fist of khonshu. This personality is linked to that of the God of the moonand it is the only one that does not really have to do with Marc’s dissociative identity disorder. He acts totally free and fights crime thanks to his increase in physical and mystical power.

Mr. Knight / Mr. Luna

It is one of the most modern additions made to comics. Merge the personalities of Moon Knight and Steven Grant. He wears a completely white suit and is even aware of his disorder, even going to a psychiatrist. This personality is more elegant and less violent.

Other Moon Knight personalities

As we said, there are main personalities and also other alternatives that will surely only be seen in the comics. At a certain point in the series, Marvel Studios might choose to develop new personalities that aren’t in the comics. However, there are two personalities that are also quite interesting:

Yitzak Topol

He is one of the personalities that the character develops on Earth 61615 in the comics. Saying the multiverse, Marc develops a religious personality directly influenced by his father, who is a rabbi.

Mayan Burr

This Moon Knight personality also appears on Earth-61615 and is the only one female personality developed by the character. Maya is young and serves as Marc’s inner voice. Unlike other personalities, Burr almost always motivates to do the right thing. This personality develops in the comics when Marc runs out of women in his life after the death of his mother and his girlfriend. Maya it’s just a voice in your head.

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