How to hide your IP address in Safari

If you want to protect your Internet browsing, you can do so thanks to the fact that there is an option that allows you to hide the IP address. In addition to this, the Safari browser offers several options so that we can be “less visible” for trackers, cookies and other elements that may be collecting information. So in this post we are going to see how to activate all these additional protection measures.

The IP address can be hidden in various ways

The first way we can hide our IP address is through Settings> Safari. In that menu category we are going to have to Look for a section called Privacy and Security. Here we will see some options, in addition to the IP address, that can be used to enhance our privacy, while we browse in Safari.

In order to hide our IP address, we will have to go to the “Hide IP address” section. Here we are going to see two options: the first one, that nothing is hidden. The second, to make that information invisible to the trackers. One of the most compromised data that can be obtained with the IP is the information of our location. So, in the face of advertising trackers, if we activate this option, we will be more protected.

But this option is not the only one to keep our identity more protected on the network. We can also prevent the different web pages that we visit from crossing the data that they collect from us, with each other. If we activate the “No tracking between sites” option, this exchange of information will no longer take place.

A very interesting option to activate is “Block all cookies”. This setting can be very interesting if what we want is for no web page to store information on our phone. This can be an advantage if we usually browse many web pages, but it can also force us to have to enter all our access credentials again (every time we visit), in the event that we have to log in.

Finally, in this section, there is an option called “Fraudulent Website Notice”. If we have this parameter activated, when we enter a page that the iPhone believes may have been compromised in terms of its security, and this may affect us, it will send us a warning message, by way of prevention.

Your IP address can also be hidden with iCloud+

In addition to the iPhone settings, it is also possible to hide our IP if we have a subscription to the Apple cloud. In this case, it is an additional layer of protection that is already included in the remote storage service itself. The option is called Private Relayand allows to hide, in its entirety, any trace of information about our IP address.

To activate this function we will have to go to Settings > Apple ID (our name) > iCloud. Here we will have to look for the iCloud+ category and, within it, look for the Private Relay option. It is possible that if it is the first time that we activate it, we will be asked to enter our Apple ID password. When we have validated ourselves, all we have to do is activate the switch. Optionally we can change some simple location settings, but the important thing, which is to hide our IP, will already be activated.

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