How to stay safe online?

Are you looking for a way to always stay safe when surfing the internet? Are you afraid that someone might steal your personal data?

Or are you afraid that your personal and embarrassing photos will end up online because of some hacker? Don’t worry, in this short guide I will explain all the secrets to stay safe online.

Browsing online in an insecure way can lead to so many risks, your personal data or maybe your credit card data can be exposed and a hacker can steal them from you in no time.

To prevent this, here are 7 rules to follow to avoid having problems with your safety.

7 rules to follow to stay safe online

Do not give your private personal information to anyone

The first rule is very simple to follow, in fact, just don’t talk about your personal information with other people online. The people you work with online for example do not need to know your address and your relationship status, what they need are only those things that relate to the field of skills and experience in that job.

Choose strong passwords

Many people use very simple passwords to always remember them, but they don’t know that this is one of the main reasons why information is stolen online. Simple passwords are very common and are all very similar, for example the same word â € œpasswordâ € is also used, or dates of birth or passwords composed of a sequence of increasing or decreasing numbers.

Don’t be like most of these people and use more complex passwords, such as passwords consisting of numbers, letters and special characters. If you are afraid of forgetting your passwords, just use a special software to save them, or write them on a piece of paper and hide it in a safe place.

Make sure your connection is secure

If you connect to a public Wi-Fi network you risk a lot, so it is best to check first if the connection you are using is secure. Public networks are the most risky because when you connect you do not have direct control over the security of the network.

According to Router-4G experts , a great way to stay safe when using a public connection is to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) which has many features and one of them is to protect your data when you are using unsecured networks.

Be careful what you download

Many cybercriminals try to install viruses on people’s computers to try to steal their data or information. To do this they use applications or other types of content, and for this reason it is a good idea to check the security and reliability of the site before downloading anything, to avoid installing any type of virus that can completely damage your computer, or that may steal some private information such as credit card details and passwords.

Obviously, if you have an antivirus this is less likely to happen.

Install a good antivirus

As mentioned before, an antivirus can prevent a virus from entering your computer, but not all antiviruses can always protect you 100%, so install a good antivirus and always keep it updated.

Some antivirus are able to protect you even on the web and are able to verify the security of any site, there are many security software at the moment, the choice is yours.

Use the privacy settings

To prevent someone from seeing your data, just use the privacy settings of the various applications and sites to better protect your information. So be sure to turn these settings on and always keep them active to protect privacy.

Always buy from safe sites

When you shop online, you have to pay with your credit card, so if the site is unsecure you are exposing all your data. For this reason, you must check that the site is safe before buying anything online.

To understand if the site is safe, just check if there is a padlock icon next to the address bar, otherwise your antivirus may warn you with a notification on the screen that the site is not safe.


These rules may not be enough, as hackers and cybercriminals try every day to steal information. These little rules do not guarantee you 100% security, but at least they will make you safer than before and of course you will always have to keep an eye out when browsing online.

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