In these places the WiFi is more dangerous and also works worse

Today we can connect to the Internet from virtually anywhere. We are going to find Wi-Fi networks everywhere and we just have to take out our mobile and access the network. Now, are all connections secure? The answer is no. In this article we are going to talk about In which places is it more dangerous to use Wi-Fi? and, in addition, they work worse. We are going to explain why and what you should take into account to avoid problems.

Where Wi-Fi is most dangerous

Normally the public places, where there are many people, is where there are usually more dangers. It does not mean that every time you connect to Wi-Fi they will steal your data or passwords, but it is much more likely than if you do it from home, in the office or a smaller and more private place. Hackers take advantage of crowds.


One of the places where Wi-Fi is most dangerous are shopping malls. There is a constant flow of people, but there are also many shops, restaurants and spaces in general. That makes it possible to have numerous networks and it is not difficult to add one more, with a name that is similar to that of a store, and rip off.

In these cases it is very good to be attentive and not connect to any network. You should always look at the Wi-Fi name and make sure it is the one you really think. In any case, we always recommend not putting personal data or making payments. At least not without using a VPN for security.

The reason why Wi-Fi networks tend to go wrong in these places is precisely because there are many people connected. The networks can become saturated and although they use repeaters or Mesh systems, there is not enough bandwidth to navigate well.

Airports and stations

You may also run into problems on sites like airports and train stations. There are also usually large crowds of people there and also in many cases without Internet, since perhaps they come from another country and do not have mobile data. Cybercriminals can create networks with names like “Free WiFi”, “Free Connection” and the like.

This could be a trap and aim to get us to log into social networks, web pages or send any unencrypted data. That will put our privacy and security at risk.

Libraries and universities

Other places that we can mention are libraries and universities. It is common there to meet open Wi-Fi networks or at least with a clearly visible password so that anyone can enter. But of course, that also includes a hacker who wants to access the network to commit crimes.

Therefore, be careful when you enter a public Wi-Fi of this type. Beyond making sure that you are really entering the correct network, take precautions not to expose your data when browsing, do not make payments without VPN and protect your equipment well.

Restaurants or cafeterias

We can also name restaurants or cafeterias as unsafe places. The reasons are similar to those we have explained. They are places where they can pass many people during the day and there will be an opportunity for hackers to launch attacks and compromise security.

Restaurants are also places where we can spend a lot of time. That invites us to decide to connect to the Wi-Fi network. We could be mistakenly accessing one created by an attacker and exposing our data.

In short, as you can see, there are certain places where we can encounter problems when connecting to Wi-Fi. We can access networks that are insecure, in addition to sometimes being spaces where the network tends to go wrong because it is very congested.

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