Instagram has a goal: that you use it at least 30 minutes a day

How many hours a day do you spend on your social media? Since some years, Instagram and Facebook collects a usage report that we can consult users at all times to see the time we spend on Meta social networks. And we can also set a limit to force ourselves to put the mobile phone out of sight and be productive. Well, it seems that, in Meta, someone wants you to use Instagram a little more.

Use your Instagram account more. That’s the ‘Goal’

Since Facebook was renamed Meta, the company hasn’t stopped making changes. Some are visual and very easy to grasp, such as the new image wash that is being given to the organization. But on the other there is silent shifts. Until now, when we went to Instagram settings to set a daily usage limitwe could establish a minimum time of 10 or 15 minutes up to date. However, that limit has changed overnight and without warning.

As reported by an Instagram user to the TechCrunch medium, his application sent him a notification a few days ago asking him to establish a new time value in the app to change your daily usage limit. However, he stressed that, on that occasion, the app did allow him to maintain the value that he had already established. The text said the following:

“The available values ​​for daily time limits are changing as part of an app update.”

What does Meta say about it?

It is clear that we are facing a silent update of this function. Some media have asked Meta for explanations about this change. However the company argument it’s pretty shallow:

“The idea is to give people more control over the time they spend on their apps, thereby encouraging conversations between parents and teens about healthy online habits.”

Come on, even if the monkey dresses in silk, Facebook stays. The explanation is so absurd and ill-conceived It is surprising that a company that is dedicating so much effort to change its image, releases such a meaningless justification.

So… why has the limit been increased?

Although Facebook is trying to give his company a fresh air – with the name change and all this foray into the Metaverse – the truth is that Zuckerberg’s company is not having its best moments.

last quarter, Facebook’s daily active users fell sharply. On the other hand, there was no growth in their other communication apps (ie Instagram and Whatsapp). Whatsapp seems to have reached its limit, while Instagram is facing the ropes in its fight against TikTok, which continues to sweep among the youngest.

With a stagnation Thus, it is obvious that the company wants to do everything possible so that the users it has managed to retain make greater use of the social network. This would translate into a greater impact and consumption of ads. Still, we can’t say the maneuver is exactly elegant.

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