It is not a good idea to connect to WiFi in these areas of the house and this is the reason

Surely you have noticed that there are certain places in your home where the Wi-Fi network does not reach good. You try to connect, but you find that the connection is slow or constantly drops. Why is this happening? The truth is that there may be different reasons. In this article we are going to talk about one in particular. We are going to show you why there are certain areas where you should not connect to Wi-Fi at home, since it will always be worse.

Keep in mind that there are external aspects that can affect the wireless connection. It is not only about the router and the device you use to connect, but also about the environment that surrounds these devices. If the circumstances are not optimal, you could have problems with good speed and quality.

Water, the enemy of Wi-Fi

We have talked on many occasions about what can create interference in a wireless network. For example, Bluetooth can affect quite a bit. Also walls or thick walls. Even the heat can cause the router to overheat and make the connection worse. But there is another factor to take into account: Water.

We can say that water is one of the enemies of Wi-Fi. It is not something that comes in handy if we want the wireless network to work correctly. In fact, that is why in Rainy days We may have certain connection problems when we connect the computer or mobile via Wi-Fi. Of course, it will depend on where you connect and where the router is.

But, what are the areas of the house where you can have problems using Wi-Fi due to water? Sites like the kitchen or bathroom they can be problematic. There are appliances that contain or use water, such as the refrigerator or the dishwasher. There are pipes and taps, so there may be problems. The place where you have the washing machine, another area that you should avoid.

You should not only consider these more general places, but also more specific sites. For example, maybe you have a large fish tank in some area of ​​the house. This could also affect your wireless network if you connect right next door and the signal doesn’t come directly from the router.

The further, the worse

The distance It is a factor that will influence a lot. It is not the same to connect next to the refrigerator and have the router in the next room, than to have the device in another place much further away. The weaker the signal gets, the more problems you will have if you have water nearby to connect wirelessly to the Internet.

Of course, you will not have this problem if you connect by cable. If you need to connect from the kitchen, for example, you can avoid problems with water appliances if you connect through a network wire. You will have to carry out an installation for the cable to come from the router, but you will avoid problems with coverage.

Therefore, as you can see, you may have problems connecting to the Internet through Wi-Fi if you connect near places where there is water. Especially, if you are going to be attached to certain appliances or pipes, you should look for the alternative of connecting by cable and thus avoid connection problems. You can even connect a computer via cable without an Ethernet port.

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