Managing Hybrid Teams And The Key Challenges Of Data Security

It is undeniable that the Pandemic has changed work relations worldwide. The home office, which until then was seen as something distant and unfeasible for most companies, has become a reality.

Hybrid work, for example, has become an increasingly frequent reality.

Some advantages such as avoiding commuting, significant improvement in quality of life, reduction of expenses, reduction of absenteeism, greater flexibility, and engagement of teams, have made the hybrid work model increasingly popular.

The portal carried out a study which indicated that 4 out of 10 employees prefer the hybrid work regime, that is, the one that mixes presential and remote activities.

But these changes in the way of working represent a challenge, especially for managers. How to deal with a remote team without losing quality and harmony at work?

This challenge also impacts directly on data security. How to share data securely between people in the organization, who are often in different parts of the country (and even abroad) without compromising the speed, security, and efficiency of your business?

Main challenges in the management of hybrid teams

Organizational culture is one of the main factors responsible for the success, or failure, of a business.

When a company starts to work remotely, it is not uncommon for its organizational culture to be impacted. It is the leader’s role to have a human look at his team and to guide it so that the adaptation during this process occurs in the best way.

It is essential that the leader, together with HR, also establishes an employee onboarding process, which facilitates the integration of the team. The word now is integration – in hybrid work, acting with an integrated team that is in sync is essential.

One of the greatest challenges for managers in this work model is in relation to data sharing. How to do this safely? Using technology to your advantage is the best option.

Keeping information accessible to the whole team avoids human failures and divergences between data. It is necessary to create a methodology so that all documents and tools are available to the team, regardless of time or location.

Prioritizing communication is also necessary. There are instant messaging applications, videoconferencing, dashboards to follow the performance and the evolution of tasks, for example. This follow-up allows the work to flow in a more agile and synchronized manner, both in face-to-face and remote work.

To overcome one of the main challenges, the protection of the company’s data, the leader must consider which protection system he will use. Data Room or a cloud system? We will show you the main differences between them.

Data Room vs. Cloud: Which one to bet on?

The Data Room offers greater organization compared to the cloud storage system.

While the cloud largely acts as a repository, the virtual data room acts more professionally. It allows for greater organization in relation to the documentation included in it. This makes it possible, firstly, for inter-company relationships to have greater credibility.

Secondly, it makes it quicker to find the information sought. Finally, organizing files makes the security manager’s work easier.

The Data Room also provides meticulous monitoring. It is essential to check, from time to time, the changes and uses of the Virtual Data Room (VDR).

This allows former employees, for example, to have limited access. In turn, the safety culture promoted by the online data room is reinforced. Through the right choice, it becomes simpler to perform these tasks and thoroughly monitor the platform.

During financial transactions of any kind, it is necessary to control access to the Virtual Data Room. This is what ensures that the process flows as efficiently and effectively and protects the intellectual property of the corporation as possible.

It is not simple to guarantee this control through the use of Cloud Computing. For this reason, in exchanges between companies, the online data room is the recommended choice.

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