Meet 5 platforms to use and experiment with AI for free

The artificial intelligence It is fashionable and despite this there are still many people who do not know how to start using it or in what way. GPT-4 It is the OpenAi solution and the best known and most powerful today, although its “full” use is restricted to one modality, ChatGPT Plus, which is paid. If you do not want to give up trying the experience, there are also other platforms in which either this artificial intelligence is integrated or, failing that, other alternatives are used, with enough possibilities for you to begin to familiarize yourself with the AI ​​and to do your first “experiments”. We reveal them to you below.

Microsoft Bing

Microsoft’s own browser has GPT-4 and has just opened its chat, so now you have many more possibilities to interact with the AI. He “new Bing” As the people of Redmond hype it, it allows you to ask much more complex questions, get better answers and even receive suggestions or inspiration regarding something you need.

To use it, you just have to access the Bing website and click on the “chat” section -at the top, on the left. If you do not have Microsoft Edge, it will invite you to download it and once installed, on the right of the window, you will also see a balloon with the Bing logo in which you will also have access to the chat. To play!


It is one of the most interesting alternatives of the moment and is integrated with Google. One of its most special possibilities is that it allows the voice interactionso that you can ask questions using the microphone and the platform can also answer you in the same way if you wish.

Once the conversation is finished, you can export it to a Word or PDF document, and it also has an image generator, although it has a limit: 25 per day.


The good thing about Poe is that he has various AI language options, so you can choose the one you prefer, including GPT-4. You just have to register on their website and select in the left column which AI you want to use.

Despite being free, it has its drawback: it only allows you to generate a certain number of questions per day depending on the AI. Keep that in mind.


A highly updated service that allows you to have smooth chat conversations and get accurate responses based on an AI of the same name. Of course, although you can select the region in which you are, the interface is englishwhich may be a problem for you, if you prefer to move in an AI environment completely in Spanish.

It requires certain registration to be used.

We can’t make a list like this without mentioning Google Bard. This is Google’s direct response to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. It was launched in March and although it has not received the expected attention or enthusiasm, it is still too early to draw conclusions.

Based on LaMDAa language model designed by Google, will be available in the coming weeks in a test phase so that those interested can use it and see how the conversational solution from the Mountain View giant is, which promises to offer more up-to-date information than anyone else thanks to its permanent connection to the internet -something that in ChatGPT, for example, does not happen.

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