Microsoft’s takeover of Activision-Blizzard passes the second with its first validation

This is a crucial step in the process of acquiring Activision-Blizzard: Microsoft has just obtained the first validation by one of the competition authorities examining the file. Saudi Arabia has indeed declared itself in favor of the takeover, thus becoming the first country to express its agreement. Nevertheless, the transaction is still far from being concluded.

In case you forgot (which we strongly doubt), Microsoft announced earlier this year its takeover of Activision-Blizzard. Since then, things have quietly taken their course, after many debates and controversies on the subject. Indeed, before officially becoming the owner of World of Warcraft, Diablo and other Call of Duty, the Redmond company must first obtain the agreement of multiple competition authorities around the world.

Indeed, several organizations are currently looking into the subject, as we have seen with Sony’s worried revelations about Call of Duty to the Brazilian authority. In fact, Microsoft gives itself until June 2023 to complete the takeover. Nevertheless, the firm has just passed a crucial step in the process. Indeed, a first authority has just given its agreement for the transaction.

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Microsoft moves into phase 2 of Activision-Blizzard takeover

This validation comes straight from Saudi Arabia, which takes place this weekend. Although it is not a strategic territory for Microsoft, the country has the merit of being the first to officially express its agreement with the project. In a context where many experts are asking questions about the risks of monopoly in the video game industry, this step is therefore particularly positive for Microsoft.

At Sony, on the other hand, we probably grit our teeth. On several occasions, the Japanese firm has shown signs of concern about the takeover. Shortly after the announcement, it was particularly quick to remind Microsoft of its contractual obligations to its competitors about Call of Duty. The soap opera is therefore not yet finished, the United States having already expressed more doubts than its neighbors concerning the takeover.

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