My aid of 200 euros is HIGH, but I have not received it, how can I claim it?

Since last February 15, we had the opportunity to request a 200-euro grant that the government offered us for food. The deadline to officially make the request was met on March 31, although for the moment we still have the possibility of receiving that money if we meet the requested requirements.

Here we are referring to aid that was approved by the Council of Ministers at the end of last year and which is expected to be benefit more than 4 million families. From the beginning what has been tried with this aid is to reduce the situation of economic vulnerability in those who do not receive other social benefits.

In order to access it, it is mandatory to be an employee, self-employed or unemployed who does not receive other benefits. Applicants must have earned some gross income of less than 27,000 euros per year and have assets of less than 75,000 euros. However, since the beginning of the aforementioned deadline for the application, considerable time has already passed. If when checking the status of the request from the official website of the Tax Agency, it appeared as LOW, it means that we have been denied.

Conversely, if the state appeared in HIGH mode, we only have to wait for the deposit to be made in the bank account that we specified at the time. As we have mentioned, the deadline for making the request ended last March. But those who have not yet received the aid in their bank account should know that at this moment we are about to finish the term to receive those 200 euros for food from the Government.

How to claim the aid of 200 euros if you have not received it

All this despite the fact that our state was in HIGH mode. And it is that one of the big problems that the affected families that have not received, but met the requirements, will be able to find here, is that in the beginning the Tax Agency is not informing about this fact. Basically this means that those who were eligible but haven’t been paid will still not understand why.

At this point it is important to know that we have the possibility of filing a claim if we find ourselves in this situation that we mentioned to you. What we can do is file an appeal for reinstatement. This is something we can do within a month after the expiration of the deadline to receive the payment, that is, next June 30. This is a claim that we can carry out from the same website that we mentioned above. All we have to do is click on Filing an appeal or request.

To carry out this claim we only have to identify ourselves digitally through the Cl@ve method, a digital certificate or with a electronic ID. With everything and with this, we recommend you wait until June 30, which is when the collection period ends, to carry out this claim that we are discussing. And it is that it may happen that we receive the help of 200 euros just before the end of the month.

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