Netflix: a subscription with advertisements would arrive by the end of 2022

Netflix’s ad-free era may soon be coming to an end. Users may well have access to cheaper subscriptions with advertising in the last three months of 2022, as Netflix announced to its employees in an internal memo.

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As we previously announced, Netflix is ​​planning to introduce a new discounted subscription tier with advertising. The latter will allow the platform to attract new subscribers with fewer resources, on the condition that they agree to watch a few advertisements between each episode.

According to information from the New York Times, Netflix executives told their employees in a confidential internal memo that the aim was to introduce the new subscription with advertisements during the last three months of the year 2022which is much earlier than initially expected by the company.

Netflix will soon be full of ads, but only for some subscribers

Fortunately, advertisements will not arrive on the three current subscriptions at 8.99 euros, 13.49 euros and 17.99 euros per mes. Only subscribers to the new package will see ads on the on-demand streaming platform.

The introduction of a subscription with advertising is nothing new for streaming services. Indeed, several competitors of Netflix, including Hulu and HBO Max, offer a cheaper subscription level with advertising for those who do not mind seeing a few advertisements before watching their favorite shows and movies.

For its part, Disney + has also announced the arrival of a cheaper subscription with advertisements from the end of the year. So Netflix probably has accelerated its schedule so as not to fall behind its main competitor.

We also know that the two platforms will soon tackle account sharing by charging more to users who do not use their own identifiers. Netflix could start punishing subscribers who share their passwords by the end of the year, or at the same time as the arrival of the new subscription with advertisements. ” So if you have a sister, say, who lives in another city; you want to share Netflix with her, that’s great said Greg Peters, chief operating officer of Netflix, according to the Times. ” We’re not trying to stop this sharing, but we’re going to ask you to pay a little extra to be able to share with her. “.

Source : NY Times

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