Apple TV + shared a new trailer from “The Problem With Jon Stewart”, An upcoming current affairs news program focused on current affairs. We already saw how this program was going to be incorporated into the Apple TV + grid in July. Now we see the American company, publicize the program to the four winds. Its premiere is approaching.

The new “quick teaser” that has been issued by Apple has new details about the program. The trailer was shared through Apple’s official YouTube channel. “The Problem with Jon Stewart” It will begin airing on Apple TV + starting Thursday, September 30. Apple describes “The Problem with Jon Stewart” as a multi-season series, with several hour-long episodes, that will explore topics that are “currently part of the national conversation.” Each season of the series will be complemented with a podcast where the conversation and opinions can be extended. The complementary podcast will have staff who will conduct different interviews.

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the problems of the world. It is more difficult to identify the systems responsible for creating them. In this series, Jon Stewart brings together people affected by different parts of a problem to discuss a big question: How did we come up with the change?

The American company has recognized that this is the first of a series of projects co-produced by Apple TV + and Jon Stewart. Specifically, Apple signed a first agreement with Stewart and his production company, called Busboy Productions. So what We will have Stewart for a long time.

Their program is sure to be worth checking out. When he did it on The Daily Show on Comedy Central, it was a real pleasure to see you. Time passed in a heartbeat and I’m sure the same will happen when this new project is released.