Robotics for children: the best kits to give at Christmas

If your kids are beginning to be curious about robotics or love messing around with any electronic device, the robots They can be a great gift for this Christmas. There are many expertly created products that allow exploit the creativity and spatial vision of the little ones. In this post we are going to tell you about some interesting products that can help you discover a little about this world and thus find the ideal gift. With them, children will be able to learn so much mechanics like programming computing.

Buki – 7505 – Hydraulic Robotics

Buki Sciences has for sale this magnificent robotic arm that moves with a series of hydraulic circuits that the children themselves will have to mount and fill with water. The construction may seem complex, but the kit comes with a very complete and well-explained instruction manual so that children do not have problems when it comes to assembling the arm. It is indicated for children of From 10 years.

Xtrem Bots – Educational Robotics Workshop

This robotics kit allows our children to create up to 12 different robots. It has a total of 240 pieces, among which is even a solar energy panel, which will help the little ones learn the benefits of renewable energy. If you are looking for a different gift, this toy can bring hours of fun to children between 8 and 12 years old.

LEGO Mindstorms

A LEGO kit could not be missing in a top like this. It is by no means a cheap product, but it is one of the most complete that we are going to show you today. It is a toy that our children will be able to build, direct and program. It has almost a thousand pieces, four engines, several sensors (color and distance) and a battery to power the entire robot.

Can be created up to 5 totally different robots. The strong part of this toy is provided by the LEGO Robot Inventor app, which will teach children the principles of programming in an enjoyable and intuitive way. The code is based on the Scratch language, which is a system of actions that children can read and drag into the app to create movements and programs. More experienced children will be able to try with Python, which is a very simple text-based programming language that is used even in the professional field, which is also supported by Robot Inventor. According to LEGO, it is a gift suitable for any boy or girl older than ten years.

Sphero RVR

Sphero already surprised us a few years ago when they commercialized the toy version of BB-8, the android from Star Wars Episode VII, which moved exactly the same as in the movie. This time, this robot is shaped like a car and can be programmed through the Sphero Edu app with the languages Draw & Drive, Scratch and even Javascript, although this last language will only be suitable for the most intelligent and courageous.

The robot is full of sensors. It has a color sensor, another for visible light, another for infrared light, motion sensors (gyroscope and accelerometer) and even a. magnetometer. With all this, we can handle the all terrain vehicle on whatever surface gets ahead.

This post includes some links from Amazon, according to its referral program in which El Output participates. The sales made from them could generate some commission, but it will not affect the price you pay for them. The products that appear here have been chosen freely, without any brand having been able to influence our criteria.

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