Scientists have created a 3D map of the gas giant WASP-189b

For many years, scientists have known that the vast majority of exoplanets are completely uninhabited. However, even despite this, they can be useful, for example, to search for other, much more hospitable worlds. And if you go into details, then scientists from Lund University have managed to create a three-dimensional map of the atmosphere of a super-hot gas giant called WASP-189b, which in turn can give you and me a more concrete idea of ​​\u200b\u200b”the sky of other planets far from us.”

Going into detail, the team used a high-resolution spectrograph to study the host star’s light as it passed through the planet’s atmosphere, looking for the position of lines in the elements that could not only indicate what materials are present on the planet. , but also that they rotate in three-dimensional layers. The elements themselves included “breakthrough after breakthrough”.

This means that this is the first time that observers have been able to get really convincing and reliable evidence of the presence of titanium oxide in the atmosphere of such a gas giant as the above. By the way, WASP-189b also contains chemicals familiar to all of us from the “Jovian world”, such as, for example, iron, chromium and magnesium. ( But one way or another, despite the formation of a full-fledged three-dimensional map and all the related discoveries, at least someone, unfortunately, will not be able to visit WASP-189b soon. The main problem is that the daytime temperature on this gas giant rises to almost 5800F, while its 2.7-day orbit will not be the most comfortable for the human body at all.

However, the spectrograph methods used in this project can be applied in the future to many other studies of the exoplanet atmosphere. Researchers, with this precise method, could compare atmospheres and better determine whether a planet could actually support any life. This, in turn, can help focus future research on the most promising planets for colonization, the formation of new international space stations there, and more.

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