TecnoFor launches Process Intelligence: the path to automation

Simplify the complexity of business workflow management and accelerate your digital transformation. This is the objective of more and more technology companies and consultants, who see in the automation of processes the key that allows organizations to be more efficient and competitive. By automating processes, strategic resources are released, which, for example, allow IT personnel to dedicate themselves to real value-added tasks, while improving the flow of information and facilitating strategic decision-making.

In the case of the consulting firm TecnoFor, this transformation of organizations occurs when what they call Process Intelligence, a consulting discipline based on understanding and managing a specific area of ​​an organization based on the processes it executes. As they explain to us from the company, Process Intelligence is developed throughout six different stages, which from the identification of these processes conclude in their automation. They are the following:

  1. Identify processes: In a context as complex and changing as the current one, the identification of processes requires the use of techniques such as Value Stream Mapping, which allow it to be done in a systematic and consistent way. Applied correctly, it allows conceptualizing business activity at the correct degree of abstraction.
  2. Visualize processes: Using Agile methodologies, which can range from the use of a Kanban board to more sophisticated collaborative tools, the visualization of processes has proven to be key to understanding and modeling them with much more precision, also detecting interdependencies between them.
  3. Run processes: In a world like the current one, the strategic layer must necessarily be accompanied by the operations that allow it to be put into operation. In this sense, it is necessary to have tools that allow changes to be easily transferred from that conceptual level to the practical scenario. Collaborative and flexible solutions like Atlassian Jira, allow to do it almost in real time.
  4. Analyze processes: Many processes are designed based on ideal situations, the most probable case, contemplating only some exceptions and possible variants. However, the tools we have today allow us to go much further, making it easier for us to faithfully represent our workflows and, thanks to techniques such as Process Mining, we can graphically visualize possible bottlenecks, jobs duplicates, back doors that bypass control steps…etc.
  5. Robotize processes: We are at a time when it is not possible to think about process management without relying on task automation. Concepts such as RPA (Robotice Process Automation) are already fully introduced in repetitive processes of large companies, and their popularization in all kinds of activities is being extremely fast. Being able to reduce the time required for an activity will allow us to provide a better service, as well as minimize errors and free up the time of the people who executed them to be used in higher value tasks.
  6. Escalate processes: the goal of automated process management goes far beyond capturing efficiencies. The limitations that we find ourselves with today when designing new business models have to do with the ability to execute more quickly and economically, and on the other hand, with the talent available in our organization. Operating based on automated processes provides us with the resources to be able to introduce innovation without the need to revolutionize our companies, freeing up capabilities that our organizations already have.

The accelerated evolution of technology is introducing many challenges around us, outside and inside our organizations. Fortunately, this same technology can help us overcome these challenges if we can use it to reduce the noise and focus on what is most important in each moment.

After presenting itself in 2004 as a technology training company, and after years of strong international growth, TecnoFor redefines its meaning with the launch of Process Intelligence, a new strategic way of working that accompanies companies and their professionals in all their transformation processes. And it is that as the CEO of TecnoFor, Pablo Grueso, assures, “without being at the service of people, technology is only an expensive whim”.

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