Telecommuting, key to avoiding a “Great Resignation” in Spain

“The great resignation”, that phenomenon that we began to hear about a few months ago in the United States and that has caused millions of people have decided to leave their jobscould have reached Spain.

The latest report prepared by LinkedIn points to this phenomenon, in which it is ensured not so much that millions of Spaniards are about to resign from their jobbut those who do, usually allege the lack of flexibility or the impossibility of teleworking as one of the main reasons why they want to change jobs.

In this sense, the data of the study indicate that the 21% of Spaniards who have left their job since the beginning of the pandemic, they have done so due to a lack of flexibility in their job and an additional 28% are considering leaving their current position citing a similar reason.

This desire for flexibility (which, among other things, includes being able to work remotely) explains in the same way that 60% of those surveyed by the social network ensure that after the pandemic, they prefer to work in a different way, so that they can have more time to power develop other aspects of your life.

In fact, a study carried out by Hays on the matter indicates that the main reason for dissatisfaction of those who leave their jobs is not so much not getting a salary increase or having to live in a toxic work environment, but the excessive rigidity that in terms of schedules and ways of working many companies continue to propose.

It is true that with salaries that are substantially lower in Spain than in other developed countries, it is not so easy for the worker who wants to leave his job to do so as easily as in the United States, the United Kingdom or France, countries whose low rate unemployment invites you to change companies with great ease. On the other hand, as other experts also point out, Spanish labor legislation does not encourage mobility either, since many workers fear losing their compensation if they decide to leave their job voluntarily.

All in all, in managerial positions or in sectors such as technology where there is also a situation of full employment in Spain, more and more professionals are already asking in the first interview what conditions of telecommuting and flexibility the company offers.

This of course, given the shortage and the fight for the best talent, is leading many companies not only to offer their employees the possibility of teleworking, but also to design well-defined hybrid work policies and, to the extent possible, that facilitate an appropriate balance between collaboration that can only take place in the office and the flexibility of remote work.

The right strategy

For teleworking, however, it is essential that the company has the right technology. And in defining what the right technology is, there is no single answer…or if there is, it always starts from a integral approach.

As part of it, companies are increasing their IT investment, starting in the first place with the equipment that will allow employees to work remotely, but also in software or in the platforms on which they will be deployed. applications or services that need. At this point it is critical to have collaboration tools and, of course, management of all processes.

Nor can we forget about security. The remote worker has become a perfect victim for cybercriminals, and their jobs, the most attacked. To do this, not only will solutions adapted to this new reality be necessary, but also training and awareness of the new risks.

Combining all these technologies, we find secure access service perimeter platforms such as VMware SD-WAN that combines leading SD-WAN and comprehensive SaaS and cloud security options. With this it is possible to build an intelligent, secure, scalable telecommuting and, most importantly, prepared for everything. Do you know him?

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