The best Apple headphones, now cheaper than in your store

One of the most outstanding products of the Cupertino company are, without a doubt, the AirPods Pro, in fact we could say that they are the main protagonists of its range of headphones, obviously with the permission of their older brothers, the AirPods Max. Well, now you can take the AirPods Pro with a great discount thanks to Amazon.

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There is no doubt about the great features that the AirPods Pro have, which, in addition, have been increased in the renewal that they underwent in the month of September, however, a few lines below we will talk about it, since now we want to focus in the price they have, since in the end it is what can most throw back many users who consider their purchase.

The official price of this product is 299 euros in the Apple Store, obviously it is a high price that, despite the fact that the user experience they offer is wonderful, it is an amount that cannot be paid just like that. For this reason, having offers that can lower the official price of Apple is great news for all those who have in mind buying these headphones, and that is just what we can offer in this post thanks to Amazon, which has lowered the price. 2nd generation AirPods Pro price in 279 euros. You can access the offer by clicking on the following link.

Reasons why it is a good idea to buy AirPods Pro

As we mentioned earlier, investing 299 or 279 euros in headphones is not something that can be done every day, and for this you have to keep in mind what are the benefits and advantages that this product can offer you on a day-to-day basis. For this reason, we want to highlight the strengths of the 2nd generation AirPods Pro below.

  • Noise Cancellation. The point that most differentiates the AirPods Pro from the rest of the AirPods models, with the exception of the Max, is noise cancellation, since they are also one of the best exponents not only of Apple, but of the entire headphone market. With them you can isolate yourself from the world wherever you are, and that is something that is really necessary on many occasions.
  • Sound quality. If a pair of headphones doesn’t sound good, you can’t do anything with them, no matter how good the specs they have later in other aspects. Now, these 2nd generation AirPods Pro sound amazing, being able to enjoy your favorite music at any time. In addition, they support Apple Music spatial audio and lossless audio.

  • Comfort. This is something that you have to take into account, since they have the famous pads that, unfortunately, are not for everyone. Of course, in this 2nd generation they have one more size of the same, making them more “compatible”. Once you start wearing them, there will be times when you really forget you’re wearing them.
  • ambient mode. In this section they are, without a doubt, the best on the market, and there is much talk about noise cancellation, but there are also times when you want to be aware of everything that happens around you, and the mode AirPods Pro’s ambience makes everything that sounds close to you, you can hear it better even than if you had nothing in your ears.
At La Manzana Mordida we look for the best network offers on Amazon, AliExpress, MediaMarkt, and other online stores and we get a small commission in return. We do not have any agreement with these brands.

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