The glass ceiling in social projects: lack of investment, capital and resources

Solidarity responses and coordinated actions at the international level have been growing over the years and different world events. However, despite the growing need for experts in international cooperation and solidaritythere has been a lack of trained professionals in these areas.

According to the GEM Special Report on Social Entrepreneurship, businesses started by social entrepreneurs do not stop increasing in most regions of the world and more and more people start businesses with common good objectives and not only with the goal of obtaining benefits. Specifically, the report reveals that people between the ages of 18-34 are more likely to launch sustainable projects with a social and environmental impact.

One of the main challenges is the lack of resources and capital invested in social entrepreneurship, a sector that has become a transformative force in the search for innovative solutions to social and environmental challenges. This lack of funding it has created a significant gap that makes it difficult to create and sustain companies with lasting social impact.

Yanis Lammari, founder of Youth ID and former student of TBS Education reveals that: “Regarding solidarity in business, there is a lack of professionals involved, both in education and in the business field. There are many opportunities for business students and established professionals, as NGOs have evolved in recent years and need support in terms of human resources, logistics and financial matters, among others”.

Despite the aforementioned challenges, entrepreneurs are showing their resilience and determination by finding innovative ways to overcome existing barriers. “I am very happy to know that solidarity issues are becoming more and more important in public debate, education, the private sector… Unfortunately, it is still not enough, and we must take it more seriously and encourage more people to dedicate their activities full time to evoke positive change”adds Lammari.

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