The most common mistakes when making a digital transformation plan

Digital transformation is one of the key strategic points to promote technological innovation and the development of the business fabric. Thanks to digitization, companies can adapt more efficiently to the demands of the digital environment and take advantage of the business opportunities it offers.

According to the report “Digital Technologies in the Company” prepared by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Government of Spain, in 2022 only 31.8% of companies used Cloud services, 13.9% Big Data and 11.8% AI. It is expected that by 2025 these percentages of Big Data and AI will approach 25%.

However, there are different problems when planning and executing a digital transformation plan. For this reason, Asseco Spain, a multinational IT business solutions company specializing in cybersecurity as one of its main areas of work within its core business, points out the five most common mistakes that companies make when implementing their digital transformation plans:

Lack of definition of objectives and strategy

As in any plan that fully affects the company, it is necessary to make a prior evaluation of the situation in which the company finds itself. Carrying out an initial audit of those areas of the company in which the plan is going to be implemented is a good way to identify the digitization needs of each department. Marketing offers a multitude of tools, such as SWOT analysis.

This prior exercise will help those responsible to assess the situation and know what services need to be contracted so as not to make an erroneous investment or direct resources where they are not needed. To get the best results, it is advised to use organisational strategy services.

Resistance to company change and low training

Resistance to change can hinder digital transformation. It is essential to involve employees from the beginning, explain the benefits of the change and give them the necessary support and training to adapt to new technologies.

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The adoption of new technologies and processes can generate fear and uncertainty in companies. It is important that the companies in charge of carrying out this digital transformation show concrete examples of how digital transformation can improve efficiency, productivity or the quality of work. In general, addressing resistance to digital change requires a combination of communication, training, strong leadership… By providing the necessary support and demonstrating the benefits of digital transformation, resistance is overcome and an environment conducive to the successful adoption of change is created.

As is the case with cybersecurity programs, IA training for employees and managers to implement a digital transformation plan must be transversal and be directed and appropriate to the different levels of the company. It is useless to use the best digital tools if you do not know how to get the most out of them. In addition, this training must be a fundamental part of the digital transformation plan.

Not taking into account the culture of the company and therefore not evaluating the transformation to be implemented

Digital transformation is not only about adopting new technologies, but also about changing the way you work. If the organizational culture does not support innovation, collaboration, and experimentation, the transformation plan may run into significant obstacles. A common mistake is to consider the transformation plan as something static. It is important to conduct periodic evaluations, measure the results, and adjust the plan as necessary. Digital transformation is a constantly evolving process and it is important to be willing to adapt and learn from challenges and successes.

This initial mistake when implementing a digital transformation plan can have several negative implications. Some of them may lead to neglecting key aspects for business continuity, such as the digital transformation plan not being aligned with the company’s business strategy. This could mean an implementation of technologies and solutions that do not provide the expected benefits or that are not entirely useful to improve the activity of your sector. In order to minimize these risks, it is important to involve all the company’s departments to define the obstacles for each of them.

Lack of alignment between departments

Lack of alignment and collaboration between different departments can make it difficult to implement a coherent digital transformation. Fostering communication and collaboration between teams is essential to ensure a seamless and integrated implementation. Not adequately addressing the concerns and needs of different departments within the company, as well as not providing adequate support during the change process, can negatively affect the adoption of new technologies.

Choosing the wrong technology partner

Once the digital transformation plan has been drawn up taking into account the company’s needs, choosing a technology partner that understands the company’s needs is key to making it effective. If they do not have sufficient experience or knowledge of the industry or of the company’s specific processes, they may not fully understand your particular needs and challenges. This can lead to the implementation of inappropriate solutions and, therefore, translate into poor service to customers. In addition, the chosen provider also has to provide a series of post-implementation services, because if it does not offer good customer service, regular updates, maintenance, etc. the company may face difficulties in maintaining and improving its operations.

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