These are the most popular and highest paid programming languages

Stack Overflow he has returned to perform his developer survey on programming languages they use and prefer, and for the tenth consecutive year, javascript remains The most popular of the world. No less than 65% of those who have responded to the survey, conducted among more than 73,000 developers around the world, use JavaScript. This language is followed, in second position, by HTML/CSS, employed by 55.08% of those surveyed. In third position is the database language SQLwhich employ 49.43%.

However, the use of programming languages ​​among developers varies considerably depending on the age group and their experience. Thus, among developers with less experience, there is more disparity between the languages ​​they use the most. Among them, in addition to python enters the list of the most used, it is almost tied with JavaScript and HTML/CSS. These three are the most popular languages ​​for them.

Of course, the most popular and used languages ​​do not have to be the best paid. In fact, they are not. The programming language that allows you to get a higher salary today is clown. It is one of the new programming languages ​​that makes life easier for developers, and it is growing in popularity. The average salary for those who use this language exceeds 100,000 dollars. On the opposite side is dartthe worst paid, since the average salary of those who use it is 43,724 dollars per year.

When it comes to technology-related positions with the highest salaries, development managers are the best paid. They are followed by Cloud Infrastructure Engineers, Blockchain Engineers and Data Engineers. Developers with experience hosting private servers and networking equipment at a third-party hub also receive higher salaries than their peers with cloud-only experience.

Skills related to Big Data and data streaming also bring good salaries to those who have them. As for the knowledge of frameworks and libraries, the ones that allow you to earn the most salary if they are mastered are apache spark, Apache Kafka Y Hadoop.

Among those who are currently learning to program in general, or to use a new language, online courses are becoming increasingly popular. Among the online platforms that offer this type of training, the most popular by far is Udemy. It is used by 66% of the developers who have answered the survey. It is followed by Coursera, which is used by 35% of those who have participated in it. In third place is Codeacademy, with 26%.

The main reason why Udemy is so popular is that it allows those who want to use it to purchase courses individually, without being forced to follow a certain and predetermined learning path to learn what they want.

As a curiosity of the survey, those who have participated the most in it are full-stack developers (46%), followed by back-end developers with 43%, and front-end developers with 26%. Those who have participated the least are desktop software developers, since they only account for 15% of the total number of participants in the survey.

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