These mistakes you make when using an antivirus

Errors when using an antivirus

We can say that the antivirus is the most common program that we use to protect the equipment. It is not the only option, since we have more alternatives available; but we can say that it is the most common in computers and mobiles. But having an antivirus does not mean being completely protected, as we are going to show.

Have more than one installed

The first mistake is having more than one antivirus installed. We may think that if we install two we will have greater protection, but that can be even more damaging. It is best to have only one installed and make sure that it works correctly and is guaranteed. You don’t need to have several.

If you have several antivirus installed, what can happen is that there are conflicts between them. This means that they can interpret the other program as malware and block it, which could lead to failures when browsing the web or using the computer normally. It is better to have only one and choose well which one.

trust anyone

Following the thread of what we mentioned, another clear mistake is trusting any antivirus. There are many options available, both free and paid, but not all of them are going to work the same. In fact many may not protect well or even actually be a security problem.

Our advice is to choose very well which antivirus to install. A good option is Windows Defender itself, but also other alternatives such as Avast or Bitdefender. You can always inform yourself on the Internet about how it works and read comments from other users to detect possible problems.

Believing that it is enough to avoid attacks

It is also a mistake to think that antivirus is enough to prevent cyber attacks. This is a mistake, since the fact of having a security program of this type by itself will not prevent us from suffering many types of attacks that can steal passwords or compromise our privacy on the network.

To avoid attacks it is essential to keep the common sense, don’t make mistakes and always use legitimate applications. For example, Phishing attacks can happen even if you have a good antivirus installed. You can fall into the trap and click on a link that takes you to a fake website.

not have it updated

Another mistake is not having the antivirus correctly updated. That can lead to problems as it might not be able to detect some of the latest threats. The program would not be prepared to really protect you on the Internet and an attacker could take advantage of that to launch their attacks.

The same should apply in the case of the system itself. It is necessary to have it updated and not suffer security problems. Many attacks come by exploiting existing vulnerabilities, so you should avoid them at all times.

In short, these are some mistakes that you can make when using security software and you should avoid. The objective is to maintain the security of the equipment at all times and not have any type of problem. You can use these tips to protect your computer by using an antivirus.

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