They will force you to install this program on your PC for security, whether you want it or not

Microsoft wants you to use Windows Defender

From Microsoft they have begun to send information to all users who have a Microsoft 365 subscription. Basically what they indicate is that Windows Defender will be installed soon in case they do not have it installed. It will be force added with future updates.

This affects those who have both a Microsoft 365 Personal and Family subscription. Also, it is going to happen on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. This app is going to install automatically. They have not reported an exact date, although they have said that the process will begin these days, from the end of February or the beginning of March.

In fact there has already been Microsoft 365 users who have announced through networks that the installation of Windows Defender automatically has already begun. So, if you have a Microsoft 365 subscription and you don’t have Windows Defender installed, it’s very likely that you will have it in a matter of days at the latest.

But how exactly does this process work? From Microsoft they indicate that this application is going to be included in the Microsoft 365 installer. Microsoft Defender will be installed automatically along with the rest of the programs. If you already have this app installed, it will be included with the next update.

The objective of all this is none other than to improve security. Having an antivirus is essential to avoid problems. From Microsoft they fully trust their own security program and want all those who are subscribed to Microsoft 365 to have it installed on their equipment.

Having an antivirus does not mean being 100% protected

However, you should bear in mind that having an antivirus, be it Microsoft Defender or any other, is not synonymous with 100% protection. It is likely that you will suffer attacks of different types, such as Phishing or scams through a variety of social engineering methods.

Therefore, regardless of the security program you have installed, it is essential that you maintain the common sense. Avoiding mistakes is very important to be protected at all times. But it is also key to have the latest versions installed, since that will help to correct vulnerabilities that may exist.

As with other antiviruses, sometimes you’ll need to add exceptions to Windows Defender. You have to do this in case it detects false positives and you don’t want to have problems using an application or downloading a file, for example. Of course, do it safely and always making sure that there are no risks.

In short, as you can see, if you have Microsoft 365 you will be forced to have Microsoft antivirus whether you want it or not. The reason is to enhance security and avoid problems.

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