This is how the Dall-E AI has imagined the characters of The Lord of the Rings

When a character is described to us in a novel, the power of our imagination gradually sculpts his body, his face and his expressions. We usually do it based on our past experiences and the people we know. For this reason, when it comes to adapting a work to film or television, many people feel rejection. There is a clash between reality and that character created in the mind while we were turning pages. Fortunately, the objectivity of the artificial intelligence can be very useful when it comes to bringing the characters to the big screen for future productions, as we are going to see today in this fantastic example whose protagonist is Dall-E 2.

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if you read now The Lord of the rings, the safest thing is that, regardless of Tolkien’s description of his characters, you will see in your imagination the actors who were part of the film trilogy. Is there any way to avoid this? Jim Clyde Monge, a software engineer and artist, concluded the other day that Dall-E 2 is the perfect tool for eliminate subjectivity when interpreting the description of a character.

For his demonstration, Jim got the descriptions of the characters from The Lord of the rings as they were written by Tolkien. When passing the prompts by the OpenAI tool, he found that the casting of the big production was pretty good overall. For his proof, Jim Clyde Monge has used the descriptions of frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn Y Legolas.

Beginning with frodo, the protagonist is the character in the play that least resembles the actor who ended up playing him. Tolkien claimed that, despite being a hobbit, Frodo was a corpulent, flushed man of about 50 years of age. Elijah Wood was 22 when he made The Fellowship of the Ring. From the face, we can say that the team did a good job, but the character was given a twist to make it more attractive at an audiovisual level. Quite a logical move.

Secondly, Sam he is described in the books as short and stocky, but with dark hair. Sean Astin played the character quite well, but it was decided to change his hair color. However, comparing the two images, we can say that the casting was excellent with Frodo’s squire.

If when thinking about Gandalf, Ian McKellen’s face automatically comes to mind, everything is in order. By introducing Tolkien’s description in Dall-E 2, the result is practically identical to what we saw in the trilogy.

With Aragorn a bit of the same thing happens. The result that Dall-E has produced is very similar to the appearance that Viggo Mortensen has, although the AI ​​has not been able to replicate the bearing of the American actor.

And finally, we have Legolas. Although Tolkien can devote pages and pages to the descriptions, with the elf this does not happen, and the Briton seems to have left a little to the imagination of each one what this character should look like. Dall-E results in a figure that closely resembles the archer, but with much more exaggerated features. We thank the casting team for choosing Orlando Bloom for the occasion, because the drawing that artificial intelligence has generated for this character would have clashed quite a bit with the rest of the characters in the film.

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