This malware pretends to film you when you watch porn, the hacker demands a ransom of 2400€!

Malware designed to extort cryptocurrency from you is spreading. To convince you to pay a ransom of 2400 euros in Bitcoin, the hacker claims to have compromising videos on your account. He claims to have filmed you while you were watching porn videos and threatens to send everything to your contacts.

Credits: Marco Verch via Flickr

A new version of MyloBot, a malware first spotted on Windows in 2018, is currently threatening Internet users. According to computer security experts at Minerva Labs, this new iteration is designed to extort money to its victims. The virus is currently spreading on the web. The report does not specify what means the hackers used to push the malware.

Once MyloBot has managed to enter your computer, it will do everything to go unnoticed. According to Minerva Labs, the malware will remain inactive for a period of 14 days. Thanks to workarounds, it will avoid triggering any antivirus software installed on its victim’s computer.

On the same topic : Windows malware takes screenshots when you watch porn

The pirate claims 2400 euros in Bitcoin to delete the videos

During this period, MyloBot will analyze your internet browsing history. The hacker behind the virus will exploit the obtained information to extort money from you. One fine day, the victim will then receive an email claiming that compromising videos are in the possession of the hackers.

J‘I actually placed malware on the adult video (adult porn) website and you know what, you visited this site for fun’, explains the email. In the email, the hacker claims to have taken control of your computer’s webcam in order to film you when you watched porn videos. To convince you of this, the hacker will use information from your history and highlight the precise name of the sites consulted.

The criminal behind this machination claims to have obtained the name of “each of your contacts” on Facebook Messenger. He threatens tosend the video of your intimacy to your entire friends list. “I created a dual screen video. The 1st part shows the video you were watching (you have a good taste), and the 2nd part shows the recording from your camera, and that’s you”, threatens the hacker.

To avoid public humiliation, the scammer asks you to pay $2,732, or 2,402 euros, in cryptocurrencies. Unsurprisingly, it demands that the ransom be paid in Bitcoin to an address on the blockchain. “If I don’t receive bitcoins, I will send your video recording to all your contacts, including friends and family and colleagues”provides e-mail.

If you receive an email of this ilk, we advise you to ignore it and not fall into the trap. According to Minerva Labs’ investigation, the hacker does not actually have any compromising video on your account. On the other hand, it means that a virus has managed to infect your computer. To spot it, we invite you to test several antiviruses.

Source: Minerva Labs

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