This mod turns Pokémon Emerald into a Roguelike game

All or nothing: that’s right pokemon emerald rogue

Pokémon custom ROMS have been the talk of the town this month with the Pokémon Twitch Cup 2. Part of the charm of that series is the grace with which the Pokémon games have been treated to suit the situation. And it is that, there are not a few artists who are turning their imaginations creating their own Pokémon titles. there are all kinds of fan made games: From the normal vitaminized versions, to games completely created from scratch with incredible stories.

The mod What we are going to talk about today is a complete genius. Is named pokemon emerald rogueand it’s a game that can get you hooked again Pokemon Emerald like when you were a child. The idea is very simple: the creators of this mod have turned the Hoenn title into a game with mechanics rogue-like.

The Roguelike mechanic works perfectly in Pokémon

The system rogue-like has become very fashionable in recent years, with games like Dead Cells, The Binding of Isaac either Hades. The mechanics are designed so that you can’t beat the game in one sitting. You can’t save mid-game either. If you die, you go back to the beginning. Starting over doesn’t feel boring, as the maps in this game system are generated automatically. procedural.

With this on the table, you will be thinking that taking Pokémon to that terrain is impossible. But we already anticipate that it is not. The modders of pokemon emerald rogue they know the genre very well, and have adapted the original title of Game Freak to perfection.

The premise is very simple: we start the game and choose our first Pokémon, which will be random. Then, we will leave the main town and enter a kind of Safari Zone. After accepting the challenge, we will arrive at a board. Next, we will be transported to a random area of ​​the Hoenn map, usually a route between two cities. The objective will be to find the exit, but keeping our Pokémon alive. If you explore well, you will be able to find PokéBalls and potions. They will be key to capturing new creatures and keeping you up for the challenge, as there are no shops or Pokémon Center to heal as we would in a normal game.

To speed up the process, Pokémon level up more quickly than in a regular game. Once you reach the end of the path, you will find a door that will take you back to the board. After repeating this process several times, you will have to face a gym leader. But be prepared, because if you lose, start over with your starting pokemon —but keeping a small sum of money that will accumulate with each attempt—.

The mod perfect to start playing Nuzlocke

If you have ever wanted to try the challenge of «Nuzlocke» (like what we have seen these days in the Pokémon Twitch Cup 2), this mod of Pokemon Emerald It can help you get started in this world. Once a Pokémon on your team goes down, it’s gone forever. It is not possible to cheat. The difficulty of the game is very high – although it can be adjusted in the main town, both to make it easier and to make it even more complicated.

The mod makes incredible use of assets that come by default in Pokemon Emerald. As we said, there are no centers to heal, but you can plan your game to land on a space on the board where you get a free heal—or pay a fairly high sum before facing the leader. To do this, you just have to take a look at the following squares on the board and follow that path.

Every attempt is different. If you are well equipped, before the leader you can go for a legendary Pokémon. At other times, you will prefer to stop at a market to buy items. Although the most fun is the service stop, which allows you to use your money to buy attacks for your Pokémon (tutor, egg movements or MTs). The question is choosing the right strategy.

In summary, pokemon emerald rogue it’s challenging, and also a great way to enjoy the franchise in small doses. Each run it’s absolutely unique, so it’s hard to get tired of it. It’s also a pretty cool game if you’re looking for an alternative to traditional Pokémon games.

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