This robot dog is able to reason with ChatGPT and speak with Google’s voice

The history books will mention that ChatGPT first physically incarnated as a robot dog in April 2023.

Credit: Boston Dynamics

A machine learning engineer named Santiago shared on Twitter how he managed to endow the robot dog Spot with speech and Artificial Intelligence. To do this, it combined the best OpenAI and Google have to offer, namely the language model of one and the text-to-speech technology of the other. The scientist modifies and trains the Boston Dynamics robot so that it performs temperature reading missions in industrial facilities.

To read – Atlas: the Boston Dynamics robot scarier than the Terminator

Robots are particularly suitable for hazardous environments such as thermal or nuclear power plants. By providing the data collected during these missions to ChatGPT, and by integrating the chatbot into the robot software, it thus becomes possible to query it and obtain all the data concerning them in a more pleasant form than a JSON or CSV file, for example. As we can see, Putting ChatGPT inside a robot dog’s body isn’t that easybecause it is not simply a question of installing a search engine, such as Bing, which integrates ChatGPT, for example, to make it a learned dog.

This engineer created a robot dog with the voice of Google and the intelligence of ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence is overturning everything in its path. All the world is concerned by the effects of this new surge digital. However useful it may be, the invention of Me Santiago Pino is therefore cause for concern. Is AI a real danger to humanity, as Elon Musk claims? It augurs in any case of a future where robots will take an increasingly predominant place, with all the abuses that this could imply.

Moreover, this forced march robotization mixed with artificial intelligence threatens to eliminate many jobs. OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT do not hide it. According to them, only 34 professions will not be affected by the emergence of ChatGPT and others.

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